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This Is Classic WoW

LonevvoIf: My name is Sovl. Commander of the armies of Bankai, General of the legions of Night Elves, and loyal servant to the true emperor, Shobek. Confidante to a murdered Guild master, friend to many murdered officers. And may the moon of Teldrassil and the Oaken Gods of old bless me as I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

DonFoolio951: LMAOOO the betrayal, i just joined the server its so active

Psylo94: FOR THE HORDE !

Spumoon: The character break was gold lol "Omae wa mo shindeiru... I DONT KNOW IF WE CAN DO THIS."

ABEKSIZM: I WAS HERE ! hahaha what an amazing event . Thank u Shobekusan and to all others involved in creating something like this . Haven't had this much fun on WoW in a good minute and this Fresh movement on Deviate Delight has been such a wonderful experience and I would not have joined or even known about it if it wasn't for u . Amazing job at bringing the people together ! Looking forward to more of these events ! BLESSINGS AND BANKAI BROTHER !

Rezman-WoW: Damn this makes me want to play era..

corzaiz6048: this remember 20 years .... thanks for the memory (bad english sorry)

Hamel1n: Keep the RP alive!

CivilianAdams: Where the fuck is my morning stream!

lucas-li8ty: Yeah this classic wow. No tbc no lk no cata

Jul 15 2024

Buy WOW Classic Gold (lvl60)

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