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They Just Made WoW Playable In Unreal 5

kudorgyozo: So basically a private server community is making wow 2 instead of blizzard.

o0dimensia0o: Esfand lost a ton of weight...well done brother!

Tsimosh: This is what Classic should've been.. no 30 retail abilities jammed into Vanilla. Small class tweaks to make niche specs playable. Not this abomination that is SoD where players are doing DPS equivalent of naxx geared warriors at lvl 50

BlackCheezit: Esfand snuck a bite from my ice cream cone at a house party on April 13th, 2021. I think I'm ready to tell my truth now unless he gives me 3 buttons and a nickel

topheftyr533: He was indeed a private server legend.

Lightshope forever

shjelde660: I think alot of streamers who played on private servers before, are also playing on turtle wow right now. Esfand, Staysafe, Asmongold, Payo etc.. But they're not allowed to indorse or talk about that in anyway, cause they risk losing the ability to stream and their contract with blizzard.

chadsix: @Esfand if you didnt know. DesignerDave who was a designer for Warcraft 3 & World of Warcraft is the Voice in the Trailer and he also plays Turtle Wow every day

CookedPotatoes47: Apparently their idea is to use torches for these darker zones as they have a new survival profession

lunchbox997: I think it looks cool, definitely wanting to try it out when it releases. Did play Turtle Wow for a while before SoD came out, and looking to switch back.

Dahakra: Do people understand how strong the wow private servers community is ?

marssalvador5524: does esfand lose weight?

Jul 14 2024

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