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The WORST Zone Of EVERY WoW Expansion World of Warcraft

natt3h133: Content is stale and uninspired recently brother. Seems like you’re pumping out vids for the sake of it rather than having any decent point or insight. Hope you find the spark again tho.

ffarkasm: I really liked Zul'drak. Boring Tundra on the other hand...

V0r4xiz: Gundrak is a dungeon. Zuldrak is the zone.

Lotuswalker: Including Tol Barad is kinda cheaty tbh ...

I wouldnt call that a real questing zone.

Scyths1: It's incredible how I disagreed with every single choice in this video, and was tilted right at the start for the fact that it didn't go from BC to war within but went all over the place lmao.

Auroche: 20 minute old video referring to november of 2024 as "this year" not to mention ZULDRAK being referred to repeated as GUNDRAK?

Michael-kd1ho: I liked Zul'drak, and the Drakuru chain in particular, it was fun - especially if you do his chain in Grizzly Hills first. Very thematic.

eydis9554: This is the hill I will die on but for me Grizzly Hills is terrible zone with quest design. The atmosphere and music? 10/10. Sure, its iconic and beautiful. But holy hell there are so many instances where you complete the quests, return to the camp and the quest giver will send you straight back where you come from. Those quests are taking a long time to do and are basically the same. Sure there are exceptions like that one acorn quest but outside of that.....nah. I have leveled a lot of alts in Northrend but Im trying to avoid Grizzly Hills as much as possible.

hansolowe19: I like Desolace

jiffah: Blasted Land

Infammo: How the heck could you not pick Siren Isle for TWW?

Siendra: Zul'drak being worse than Borean Tundra is sure an opinion.

BasicMaffs: This is the best video you’ve ever made! Absolutely brilliant!

Xtazieyo: Desolace, while being ugly as fuck, has a decent amount of quests, lore and one of the most interesting dungeons in WoW Classic.

The obvious choice for vanilla is Blasted Lands: Ugly, dogshit quests, annoying mobs, annoying elites - only plus is the Worldboss and the huge mine-complex up north.

saalok: What are those picks lol

Counting Tol Barad is... a choice I guess. And Desolace? Really? When Azshara is straight up almost cut content and largely unfinished?

You should redo this video without patch zones too, imo.

camma12: Call me crazy but a fuckin love vanilla desolace !

d.optional3381: the abomination driving part of the Drakuru chain is just the worst ever.

Avatar1977: I really liked Desolace, it was peaceful as hell when levelling, especially in comparison to the all out warzone that was STV on any PVP server.

Searing Gorge deserves to be talked about more in terms of bad vanilla zones, having to navigate all those mining tunnels as well as the basic issue of having a massive great hole in the middle of the zone you have to ride around to get anywhere

Mohykan: I love Zun'Drak my TOP 3 zone of all time (for some reason). The MUSIC was spot on! Love the drums! Quests were great (lore wise too) Shapeshift to undead to spy on scourge and then progress through zone to see troll desperation and in order to avoid being wiped out they kill their own LOA. Lovely stuff but I know I'm in minority. The music thought - goad!

velkynkarma6804: I actually enjoyed the Maw initially. Early in the story, it had a really tense dramatic feel--which made sense, because you were in a place nobody was supposed to be. It felt genuinely intimidating with the dense mobs, the things hunting you, and the way you couldn't stay too long because it became progressively more deadly. You only had one ally in one location and the whole place felt unsafe, so you had to be on your toes 100% of the time. And that felt awesome, because it was so easy to get complacent in modern WOW expansions. Even in prior expacs, supposedly forbidden/extremely deadly zones often had friendly npc's or villages or camps you could go to for a rest, but the Maw was almost exclusively you. Buuuut...once it came down to grinding rep for Ve'nari and doing dalies on multiple characters, it started to get old fast. Eventually it just became annoying and lost a lot of its scariness, which was unfortunate.

soulsharts: Yea The Maw was the absolute worst. The place was so saturated with mobs and were spread out across the entire area, plus they were higher health and damage as well, you couldn't just walk anywhere, you had to fight through tougher mobs from point A to point B so nothing was as simple as "go do quest and return to questgiver". On top of that, after you clear a path, you'd think "oh thank God, at least I can just run back since the path is cleared", but then respawns. It was the most dreadful and painful area in WoW that I've ever been. It's modeled to be like Hell, and that is accurate. I actually feel bad for Sylvanas being damned there until all the Teldrassil souls are saved, or whatever she's doing.

andrepinto7283: Desolace is more alive than ever! Visit the northen part, is full of bots!

blacksunshine9995: Any time i watch these ranking vids of WoW zones, I'm reminded that the playerbase does not enjoy 2 things : a dull zone and a zone that you can't faceroll. Antoran Wastes and the Maw are perfectly fine zones for what they represent in the lore. Antoran Wastes is the fortress of the Legion and it is NOT supposed to be an easy to navigate area. It is a punishing place that demands you do everything you can to survive the second you leave the comfort of your tiny foothold in enemy controlled land. Same ith the Maw. I enjoyed it once they actually got it up and running properly and I liked having a zone that you had to legitimately fight to traverse. Some zones are just there to stroll through. Some zones lack content. Some zones are beautiful scenery or have one memorable questline. But to me, I like zones that make you have to use potions and cooldowns and think about which mobs you will pull first instead of letting you just avoid them.

drowsyfantasy: I had somehow, up until now, completely forgotten that we had to traverse the maw ON FOOT before they allowed riding. This was the expansion that made me quit for over a year, and I still

seanrobertson454: I love how Desolace becomes almost a completely different zone if you are on the coast. I just did the quest for silver/gold key and enjoyed it though I understand why people wouldn't like the zone.

Jan 05 2025

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