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The Weird Game Models of World of Warcraft

grimmow187: no red arrow in the thumbnail? is this the redemption arc?

dodge698: Most of these models come from Warcraft 3, the cannonballs didn't have polygons because PCs in 2005 could not handle them. You will notice that of all things in classic WoW. So the textures were just plain surfaces without any real structure.

sstnks: High Elves/early Blood Elves were literally retextured Night Elf models with modified ears. Kinda cool.

blackhawkcz1895: Wtf did the cannonballs do to you?!

crippledkitty863: The baby with the eyebrows is a dwarf baby.

PR1ME_9: "Have you ever looked at a model in WoW and wondered why it looks so strange?"

Yes I have. Why is that? I watched this whole video and came away with no answers. What was the point of this?

MrKshahdoo: Triangle headed prairie dogs is a symbol of Classic World of Warcraft

LedosKell: The Defias Warchman partially shares its model with the alpha Human Knight and Baron Rivendare model to an extent. You can tell they took that skinny Human model and slapped it on a horse then modified it, but the way they swing their weapon gives it away they have a common origin.

I love all the old p

Alpha/beta human models, they all have a neat charm about them.

Snuzzled: The original high elves. Yeah, they were.... weird.

amaranth321: Vaulty is still a thing? What year is this?

MrBuljong: you are copying asmongold, sorry, we need to put out a hitpiece on you now

jaimeyxul729: Lol your still around?

nevruzkaya5139: Bro do you plan on exposing asmongold again ?

Gabriel-ck1yp: this is such a dumb video ffs.

cytoid7062: A lot of these older models were straight lifted from Warcraft 3. Early WoW was really just a revamped Warcraft 3 made into an MMO.

Onkuty: funny but the goblin children looks like you

onlyusemepeepo: bro looks like he should have included himself as part of the list

kennidokurasava8697: Optimization? Stylization? Gaming restrictions? Pfff... Stupidity!

What ugly models, urgently replace them with hyper-HD!

(Just don't tell him about Warcraft 3...He won't sleep later: D)

jugobetrugo7213: its a old game - made for older systems.

and i guess blizzard dont wanna update every single thing in their game

DrPluton: Dwarven children in game are usually just smaller versions of adult dwarves (including beards or breasts).

donkatsu6526: You’re back!

RetroGaming1836: The blood elf's are hot though

druidseventy9103: back to making youtube vids is the crypto not doing good anymore

clear9104: pls increase graphics quality, your gameplay footage always looks awful =/

Jan 03 2025

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