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The War Within Is Bringing Casual Players Back To WoW

veksar: I'm one of these people of who you speak. I'm now a dad and the warband changes and single player focus are appealing to me as something i can chip away at when I get time and slowly build my account back to what it was. I've always kept my account maxed by capping each class but could not even bring myself to do that in Dragonflight, I only got through 3 toons before i couldn't stomach it anymore. I haven't cared about retail seriously in about 8 years. Delves and solo dungeons with warband member and story mode raids will a super chill way to stay in touch with the game.

Graavigala85: The casuals are what keeps WoW alive, not the 1% who do mythics

Dracounguis: I never liked Mythic dungeons. I despise being forced to beat a ticking clock. And it brings out the worst in the WoW player base. If you're not running what they think is 'the best', you don't get to go.

gregoryshinn9805: I would say I fall in this category. Don't care about m and only ever really did heroic dungeons, lfr

bobbythefish4836: One of the things that bothers me most as a casual player is that the game progression ends prematurely for us. Things are great early on, but once all the end game players start out-classing everyone in world content then the game is essentially over. There is no way to progress my character anymore and you get bullied out of war mode. World content is treated like an illegitimate play style and is only fit for being a step stool or time filler for the "three pillars" end game play. Why is there no content in the "World" of Warcraft that merits earning Wyrm or Aspect crests? So once you reach the point that you can't reasonably progress your player power, the game is just kinda done. You can do some achievements, or collect things or gold farm, and that gets old fast. So we quit.

If it were up to me, I would separate the "three pillars" more. Let the base gameplay like gearing be a separate experience from end game, so by the time you are doing end game stuff you are "maxed out." And then let each of the three pillars have their own isolated progression systems and ranks that grant them power specific to only that content. Have them unlock cooler rewards than just a higher power cap like expansion themed character effects and emotes.

beezkneez8918: As a casual player myself. I just wish some of the open world stuff was vanilla level dangerous in some degree. It gets boring just effortlessly killing quest mobs that are not threatening.

T.R.75: im a casual. im back. dunno for how long. im seeing things i want to believe will interest me for TWW, unfortunately what im hearing is these new "features" arent exactly panning out the way i would have liked. Delves are mixed, Warbands may be fine, Hero Talents dont feel heroic and are either boring or just bad. ill come back for the story, but i will probably have to dip out again.

Zantetsudex: Battle for Azeroth, "We are so back!"

Shadowlands, "We are so back!"

Dragonflight, "We are so back!"

The War Within, "We are so back!"

Second verse, same as the first.

Joshua-jy4mz: I was casual for a decade. Then Played classic. TWW has my interest to play and I’ll be back when prepatch drops

Amplifymagic: I’m the target audience:

The level of Mage Tower Challenge, but not dedicated to Mythic dungeons.

Harggos: I came back for dragonflight. This is the first time the game kept me entertained through the whole expansion.

sureberferber9101: I just started playing again the past few weeks after taking 1.5 years off. The catch up mechanics are positive and mostly enjoyable.

It's kinda fun being able to no-life the game in a compact amount of time and catch up pretty fast.

Jul 10 2024

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