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The War Within Has Just Changed Forever.. For Real World Of Warcraft

Eyz94: Struggling on awakening the machine is purely a skill issue

jakeshootsstuff8187: Blizz realizing the majority of their player base is 30 with shit to do. Digging the xpac. Haven't had this much fun on the game since Wotlk

HelloJTello: Fully locked in & ready for Season One to release

matthewforbes4734: The Luminous Nerubian Catalyst stone adds whatever glow effects the mythic tier set has to the lfr, normal, and heroic tier for every character in your account. They had this in DF as well.

tedkaluzny1: The awakened machine needed the nerf. Many classes had problems running it and some classes steamrolled it. Was a smart choice. Those saying get better can get bent.

ryan5554: These videos dont need such clickbait titles

juanticimo: I cant seem to find these Earthurn characters....

chaselane9827: dude the awakening the machine was so easy as a shaman

Salubrious388: Awaking the machine was hard for my Affliction Warlock. I steamrolled it on my frost DK though, despite having worse gear.

Capzien: Nerfs to the Machine are crazy, it was super easy as Feral Druid

SG-qb8ne: awakening the machine week 1 was a joke

Sep 11 2024

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