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The Unreleased Secrets of Vanilla WoW Episode 2

unholyallen9572: The thumbnail is straight out of a nightmare. I love the vibes and the "primitive" design of Vanilla and its zones.
Whitemale112: It was surreal discovering things like old outland and getting under stormwind and stuff, especially as a kid. Having some player tell you "hey stand here and jump here" and all of the sudden you're in some secret place the devs never intended you to find was always a trip. The smiley face under karazhan was my favorite one
alexanderhenderson2594: Yeah, Pirate Software talked about the deadmines stuff as that is an area the devs used for testing because it was in an instance so it would let them see things in the live game without affecting the world.

Another area you might consider is the area behind Tyr's Hand that would eventually be used as the Death Knight starting area, New Hearthglen. If they ever wanted a full on Scarlet raid that area would be perfect.
Kreceir: ''The king of BJ's Yogg Saron''
Not even a minute in and we already starting of strong lmao.
velmux: There's plenty I could talk about, but there's one that hardly gets mentioned at all:

In Stonetalon Mountains, you can jump " out of bounds" at the Talon Den. Once done, you can make your way south along the edges/high mountain tops. Eventually you'll find a decently sized area with Horde and Alliance catapults. Assuming some sort of battle scene was supposed to take place there.

Some area's talked about a little more often:
- The pirate islands south of Tanaris
- The cave and the small Tauren farm on the edge of Kalimdor (beyond Silithus and AQ)
- The Ironforge Airfield & the hidden Dwarf farms somewhat next to it towards Wetlands (funny sign there showing directions)
- The area known as Twilight Highlands in Cataclysm is another unnamed zone in Classic. You can reach it from Redridge Mountains and jumping over a Gnoll cave and some hills/mountains In the Northeast part of the zone.

I can go on for a while, but ah well, don't think Youtube is all that fit for longer comments such as this one.
Animefreak1908: Fun fact you can get ported to "Old Ironforge" with the Gnomeregan trinket in SOD.
selwrynn6702: Another one you might consider mentioning is Jaedenar in Felwood it's an entirely unique cave that was planned to be a dungeon early on, eventually it was simply turned into a cave with a few quests inside but if they're going in a Classic direction it would be cool to see it become a dungeon properly and just have those quests become dungeon quests.

Also it doesn't really matter but Magni before his Azerite addiction was working with us on Argus during the last patch of Legion iirc.
evac400: Coming from the Warcraft 3 perspective, Dalaran would be a great hub full of opportunities. In W3 you spent so much time there: Sieging it with the Undead, summoning Archimondr, stopping Illidans spell with the Eye of Sargaras, 2 Missions in the blood elf campaign in the ruins and one more in the Dungeons. There is so much you can build upon. An instance in the dungeons with a lot of weird experiments from the Kirin Tor, twisted by the Demon spells casted by Kel Thuzad and Illidan, ... Also, you could use the area to flesh out the Syndicate faction a bit more.
ViliTimonen: I'd definitely love to see Gillijim's Isle and Island of Doctor Lapidis return. Both were west off the coast of STV, somewhat finished islands that were removed sometime during the vanilla alpha. I remember Gillijim's Isle actually existing as a zone, what I mean that you can go to the spot where it used to be and you can see the zone name pop up in the screen and join the general chat of the zone, at least this was the case when I went to the location back in WotLK. Could have some guest hubs there, a dungeon and a raid maybe.
soundboyeric2276: I still remember exploring off zones as a kid. Only ever did blink thru deadmines portal and ran around old outland.

Then im TBC jumping on the books in karazhan and falling into the troll village. Ah, and the big smiley face under karazhan. Good times.

Jun 04 2024

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