DraphEnjoyer: Gonna shill Turtle WoW and just say a lot of these quests are expanded on for the server. Its pretty cool
Czabanito: The quest i thinking about being unfinished is "hidden enemies" started by Thrall.
You find infiltration in orgrimmar, which include Neeru Fireblade, you get his allegiance, then he say something like "got guys in barrens and ashenvale, so stay tunded".
And that how it ends, with the insignia from this quest in the bank for the rest of your life.
DanielsYoutubeAccount: I recall an incomplete quest line involving the poison trinket you get from Sunken Temple. It's Eranikus' spirit stuck inside the trinket and you can turn it in to some emerald dragon in elf form in the Swamp of Sorrows. Then I think he sends you to Winterspring where the quest just abruptly ends.
I know there's some event involving Eranikus in Moonglade but I don't know if that's connected.
audiofun1: This video should be trending among the wow community
Evan-mt7bc: A Horde players first dungeon quest chain also awkwardly ends. In the quest chain Hidden Enemies you are tasked by Neeru Fireblade, an orc warlock loyal to the Shadow Councilto chalenge the demon cultists of the Burning Blade to test their strength, thanks to some subterfuge by Thrall this "friendly invitation" becomes a full blown assasination of the leaders of the Burning Blade. At the end of the chain Neeru is distraught with the assumption this storyline will continue.
In Cataclysm Neeru is a Warlock loyal to the Horde with no mention of the Shadow Council and in MOP Neeru is killed and strung up in the Cleft of Shadows during Siege of Orgrimmar
michaelsandy2869: I am surprised you didn't include the Uldaman Disks as an unfinished plotline. You get a quest around 45 or so to go to what will be the border of Uldum, but nothing really comes of it in Classic.
Abrexfroman: I wish blizz had the balls to actually have the forsaken actually break apart from the Horde as a 3rd faction temporarily while leveling. Would be so cool.
Rougesteelproject: Blizz didn't swap things to put players into the Reginald Windsor stuff, they swapped things in the comics to shove Lo'gosh where the players already were. That's why people were upset.
phantom0456: There are more unfinished Vanilla stories in this video than you can shake your WillE at!!!
Tryc3: Holy bot comments batman
seifyk: The Scythe is in my bank, and it's power was sapped to help contain the power of Sargeras' sword in Silithis
Auroche: Wille I'm ngl that's a low quality sponsor that I don't believe you even believe in being a good game. Not only did it look cheap; but the performance of it inside of it's own ad looked like it ran terribly.
Oct 28 2024