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The Templar Class Spotlight Conquest of Azeroth World of Warcraft

L0stHumanity: So sad that there is no punching spec for this class
jaderranierealbrez4803: To me, it seems like there are so few MMOs that embody the fantasy of a "punching and kicking warrior." When I first saw that there was a monk in CoA, I got really hyped and enjoyed it a lot. When I got back to the server a few days ago, I was hoping that they had added Mist of Pandaria's monk animations and that it would be my dream class. Instead, I found a redesign to a "Scarlet Crusade's Sun Cleric." Sad
RainyDaysVideos: I get why
Essalius: Although I understand why it was renamed from Monk, I do think that the Zealot spec was a miss in this rework, and since everyone who plays Templar seems to gravitate towards Crusader, I don't think I'm too far off.

The previous idea of you letting go of any weapons, going unarmed, in favor of dealing holy damage with auto attacks was really unique, and really sold off the idea of the Scarlet Crusade monks. Being 1-handed weapon based now just doesn't sell it for a specific class fantasy anymore, which otherwise seems to be a big focus for the CoA theme.

Discipline makes a lot of sense, although is also under-represented right now, and Crusader is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a "Templar".

As of now, Zealot and Crusader are too identical in terms of class fantasy, but Crusader just ends up winning both by DPS currently and also in general theme.

Of course I'm speaking from my own experience, but I have been playing the Templar/Monk on CoA for the last 4-5 years, before they even were a part of the Ascension team, and is really bummed about what happened to my favorite spec and class.
slippers8000: Clarlin - Elune.

Was looking forward to the blademaster fantasy and it's a shame it's not available.

Templar does look dope though and a high contender in my view.
GeneralHavek: I play templar and specifically discipline. Mcdoubles is awesome, but he is understating the effect of not having good defensive mail gear with agi and int. Case and point, the best gear to get for discipline templars is the cadaverous set. Which is leather and has no int at all.
thenopening3785: Fully expected a healing spec but the lack of one really sells the difference between sun cleric and templar. Impressive flavor win!
Adelstan - Elune
ChillandQuill: you guys had a unique class with the monk and the blade master...a freaking samurai...then you guys decided you guys needed another freaking paladin?? wasnt that covered with the sun cleric?
bobisadrummer: Would have preferred Monk and Blademaster aesthetics. What you call "Holy" should have been "Spirituality." Good job regardless.
MisterJohnny42: I would love to see the selection screen for the different class types again, as it was included in earlier videos.
Getting a short overview of the 3 classes and their roles, before explaining them in more detail would help me a lot. Maybe you can insert a short picture of the selection screen in each video, that would be greatly appreciated.
Besides that I really love these Spotlights, looking forward to more content :)

Edit: MistrJohnny - Elune :-)
Tribaleyes: I won't lie to you Maccy Doubs' - I was really looking forward to trying out the Monk.
Now that's not to say this class doesn't look and feel good to play - I got into the Alpha last week, and I've been having a fair bit of fun on them.
What I was looking forward to was the Blademaster Archetype of the Monk I'd heard about - Now that's just gone, and with complete honesty - That doesn't feel good;
Realistically, you could've added a 22nd' class being the Templar and made a few adjustments between the two - Now being even more realistic - there's another solution that wouldn't take so much developmental time (On paper);
You guys should add Class Skins. You know, that thing we've been asking Blizzard to add to the base-game for YONKS only get to Hero Talents (Which isn't at all what we asked for)?
Class Skins. Give us the Blademaster back - Give us a hand-to-hand combat spec (Even if they still equip weapons) and you've got a match made in heaven with this one for SO many people.

Jun 30 2024

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