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The Starcaller Class Spotlight Conquest of Azeroth World of Warcraft

ACason79: I got access to COA yesterday and have loved every second of it so far. Your work on these classes is nothing short of incredible! I started with Necro but plan to test every class before the COA 60 test. A huge thank you again to you and to all who work on COA and Ascension!!!
Toastburgler: I’m loving these class spotlights, thank you so much! COA HYPE. COA HYPE
JediFrog: Warden looks fun af to me, this could end up being my main when this comes out
conservativejoe: 1. This class NEEDS a class specific mount like Paladins and Warlocks.
2. Having a "hunter pet" would be a great addition also.
Great job keep up the awesome work!
Minimerlin - Area52
nichlasb4406: Really appreciating these class spotlights. Currently playing around with Templar and enjoying the crusader spec!
molithe3790: If we don't get at least one "by lieu" in every mcdoubles video, I will riot.
Atigeve: With all these class videos coming out, can we expect this to be playable to all soon (ish)?
TheSwagMessiah1: Ready for this to release, looks dope as hell.
Kazen_XD: Been waiting for this one! Enjoying the class but still trying to get the hang of managing everything
chronostasis1250: Thanks for the awesome work

Jun 03 2024

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