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The Spectral Tiger RETURNS As The Most Expensive Store Mount Ever, New Promotions MORE WoW NEWS

xCthuLuXx: As a new player, this game is unfriendly, not fun to play, unclear. The 20th aniversery is boring and stupid... and this is the game that used to be the king?

j3online664: Let me know when we get a mount with portals...all of them with 5 minute cool down. Add in some extra gatherer bag space.

N2Yeshua777: The lazy way to get the percentage up is to fly around on the balloons lol

melissakampers: Blizzard is making the same mistakes over and over again. Making us farm a thousand different currencies, artificial timegates and tokens that still aren't warbound.

Norsztec: The people who are mad about the longboi are not mad simply because it costs too much. They're mad because every single year blizzard does something else to reinforce the stereotype that for 10 years they've been slowly devolving into this late-stage capitalism hellscape shell company for Activision and now Microsoft. All the while straying further away from the blizzard that made vanilla, tbc, and wrath. Away from the Chris metzen blizzard. Away from the blizzard we fell in love with.

Nohandlethankyou1: Message to all the haters who still stalk this game: get over it and move on. You call the game and its player base toxic but you’re part of the toxicity

karldergrosse-333: I hate that retail WoW is so bad I can't even will myself to get back in for the 20th anniversary. Xmog is just veneer...it's cool, but it offers zero substance.

markroberts666: I've never had 2.5m gold across all my accounts, and I'm certainly not spending cash or in game currency on a fucking mount, you purchasers are really a special breed

LodvarDude: Yeah. I was bored anyway. Time to end my relationship with Blizzard. It’s been coming for a while anyway.

gregj6648: takes 3-4 minutes sitting in the basket if you do it correctly. What moves the % is kicking the ball, not sitting in the basket. Sitting in the basket just afk continues to kick the ball. If you make sure you kick the ball straight out before hopping in the basket it will keep kicking the ball and you can come back 4 minutes later and it's done.

BrokenhornKT: I use Mountain dew for Killing Weeds!!

Oct 30 2024

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