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The Most BROKEN State Of EVERY Class In WoWs History World of Warcraft

gregorysoble8494: I still miss blood DPS. My favorite spec ever

ABZ7891: BM Hunters in TBC had a literal one button rotation, and it was beautiful.

trentsims: I love how he didn't even need to mention the fact that WotLK Launch DKs had auras comparable to modern Paladin and they were shared with all party members and stacked. So you could have a whole raid group with just Death Knights all with the same aura on and they'd be an unstoppable force of death and destruction.

Marz2695: Being a warlock in mop was one of the most fun periods of my life!

nordfald3740: for monk, first patch of legion. Windwalker got a 20% aura nerf in increments over the course of a month or so, because they simply just did more damage than anything else across the board.

wcjerky: Some mentions:

Warrior, PVP: Early Cata Arms had as much CC as a tank while being able to stack Heroic Strikes to normally half-shot someone, and in one screenshot, kill someone outright; this is, also, ignoring Mortal Strike. Also worth mentioning Mace-stun BC warriors with a specific weapon.

Warlock: BC locks. PVP had the mana-stress version SL/SL that could be easily sustained by a healer; this lead to ridiculously long matches. In PVE, after a certain gear threshhold, a lock could go sac/destro (21/40), spam SB, and do solid damage with two buttons: a curse and Shadowbolt. Mentions to Wrath destro PVP capable of globaling (killing someone from 100% to 0% without them being able to react once the sequence starts) a person through Immolate-> Chaos Bolt-> Searing Pain-> Conflagrate.

DK: early Cata during the first season of rated BGs, Howling Blast was lethal. In a mode that encouraged grouping, applying a magic AoE that also applied a DoT created a lot of healing stress.

Shaman, elemental: During Firelands, with a 4/4 bonus, it was possible to keep the Fire Elemental eternal. In combination with the other cooldowns, and, if you were lucky, the legendary, this spec did damage. Mention of Wrath PVP where an elemental shaman could global someone through the use of Flame Shock -> Lightning Bolt-> Lava Burst-> Frost Shock. Also was very capable of environmental kills through use of Thunderstorm, in a world where knowledge of its capabilities were limited. Although they were low on defensive options, their utility and damage were great.

Shaman, restoration: BC. All of it. Chain heal and bloodlust were that important and good.

Priest, discipline: Particularly powerful from mid-Wrath until its completion, made better by the legendary. It didn't make great numbers; it stopped, in some cases, completely damage from occurring, extremely useful during progression, especially during hLK in ICC. Due to a rework in Cata, initially they lost power, only for the same issue to arise at high levels of Mastery.

Druid, restoration: BC and Wrath, more the former, however. Lifebloom was able to keep a single target alive, almost through anything. In PVP, in combination with the rest of the Druid toolkit, they were slippery, had mobility, good CC, and were hard to apply pressure to.

Rogues, early BC: same reasons as BC warriors, except there was a window where Preparation had not been changed to specific spells. Later on, they were capable of fully removing the armor of a cloth-wearer and having the legendaries to further pressure through damage.

Paladin, holy: after enough Int gear in Vanilla, they were able to spam Flash of Light and critical procs, restore enough mana to become tank healing batteries.

Personal experience as an elemental shaman and demo warlock from mid-TBC to early Cata. Thunderstorm was one of the best things that happened to ele; my record for punting someone was landing them by the river near blacksmith from lumber mill in AB. My Battlemaster is retired now, but good memories they were.

thechubbyatheist9913: Playing Warrior when Classic came out was literally so damn fun it ruined playing warrior on retail for me to this day.

Supersmartandfunnyguy: Never forget the days of the Mace Spec Skillherald Warrior in TBC

CardDontShoot: My favorite memory from Wrath was everyone predicting DK was going to be a problem. When it finally released it blew past all our predictions. Beyond busted to the point of hilarity. I miss doing 40 dks vs 40 dks in AV.

literallywho1440: For me the most broken version of warrior is early MoP. Second wind, intervene and shockwave not sharing a DR, and they hit like a damn truck

j.a.1785: I absolutely LOVED feral druid in TBC. You could DPS and Tank with the same spec. It was fantastic and so versatile.

Sep 19 2024

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