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The History of World of Warcraft Explained in 1 Hour

aaronhenley4741: I am just impressed you were able to condense as much lore as WoW now has into the length of a 80s Disney animated film. Most impressive.

garrettbaker8098: You are the David Attenborough of Warcraft lore. I figured it out.

Just sat down from lunch and I get to watch your video while I work through an easy project. What a gift. I can't wait.

TrueSimp: Gonna have such a good nights sleep with this one!

Ehntru: Your voice is so soothing. Could listen to this all day.

TheDarkyodk: This is an hour of my work day tomorrow sorted, ty sir

Zyzyx442: WoW Ascension, free to play and so much fun for old timers wow veterans. No classes, random skills and talents you build from a card deck. Really recommend checking it out :)

urukingotv90: its crazy that a few days ago i was thinking "oh boy i wish i could see a video with an explanation of all the wow lore until now" and here i am

nasranax: Love your videos, but you’ve outdone yourself this time. This one is just incredible and I’m sure I’m gonna watch it many times as a good-night tale. Thank you!

zedorian6547: Ya know, there is a point in the lore where I feel like they should have stopped while they were ahead but I can’t figure out exactly where that point is. I just know that it exists.

justgiz: The fact that this is a "Summary" and still over an hour really shows how massive this game is.

Aug 19 2024

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