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The History of Vanilla World of Warcraft 19992024 Xaryu Reacts

Rohdeez: I swear Madseason has made the same video like 8 times
FreshRides: i'm a retail and mythic plus andy. i appreciated playing some classic for the nostalgia of it since i've played since 2004. i even had some fun in SoD but retail is the thing that keeps me coming back. i have so much invested in achievements and collectibles and just sheer time. i love the raids my long time guild and dungeons. i hope that they make some improvements to the story in the future xpacs
brandonkruse6412: Nostalgia is a helluva drug in this game
Ray-lw2rh: Agreed, I hate clicking to move.
Christian-cu7hs: I quit retail when MoP was about to release, like 4 or 5 days before. Even though I played a lot of Cata, I did everything the expac had to offer I've always said to myself Wrath was the best iteration of wow. My favorite. Unbeaten. But then, Nost happened, and I fell in love with vanilla to the point I can no longer play any other version of the game because when I try, and I've tried so many times since, I always catch myself thinking "man, I could be playing good ol' vanilla instead of this".

The charm that vanilla has, the old school quirkiness it has, the feeling of a true RPG in a MMO form... What a game, man.
M1ntberrycrunch: I agree with Xar on the Difficulty thing.
Make raids difficult, it's more fun. Preferably 40 man, so 1 person's gear doesn't matter as much as teamwork matters.
It makes guild more necessary, which is good.
Itaconic: Cata subscriber numbers started to drop off before LFR was even released. The xpac was too hard for people, not that they got the carrot and got bored. LFR was only released on the last patch when dragon soul dropped, before that people would complain that 5man heroics/raids were too hard.

People said Wrath was too easy so they made it harder in Cata. They pulled you far away from the carrot instead of giving it to you, opposite of what Xar is suggesting.
aldeen9190: I play wow as warcraft my camera is so far away that look like warcraft.,
VeryBuilt: I get goosebumps when I get a madseason intro in my ears
Lolzibarzor: My broke ass 15 yr old played on private server in 2002, bosses were not scripted, some zones only had one bugged mob lol, spells were all bugged and wrong, we still played though
timharris2310: I think you are right about players quitting after Cata, because they beat the game essentially. In Vanilla I never even hit 60, because I was playing bgs and they didn’t give experience back then. I was always chasing the end game content and I was okay with not always achieving it on time.

Jun 23 2024

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