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The History of Vanilla World of Warcraft 19992024

nairav9156: Bro could tell me this story 500 times in 500 different videos, I still listen to it
nauscakes1868: One of the saddest changes that happened to WoW (for me), is when dungeons changed from an exploration event to a speed-running lootfest.
slightly-sad3841: This man will never miss an opportunity to say “I told you so”, and I am here for it
Xanderhal: You cooked, now we eat.
urgott6945: Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Applestoroger: Season of mastery was also weird because it launched in the middle of tbc right before Black Temple so they were cannibalizing their own players
Gen-XJohnny: My son will be turning 20 soon. I started the month before he was born. Damn, it's been a long time.
brelshar4968: I was there at Blizzcon in 2017 (my first one live, came all the way from the UK!), I was sat about 15-20 feet from J.Allen Brack when he made the announcement. The hall erupted, whatever you heard on stream doesn't do it justice.
RetMagnetik: im glad turtlewow and ascencion are getting their honorary mentions
VadimPakhutkin: Hearing the word "warez" in 2024 is a vibe.
Fiilis1: Nostalrius was the first private server I tried. Loved it. Played max level and quit. Have not touched WoW after that.
tato2700: Decades from now the year 2024 will be known as the 'Year of MadSeason', every time I blink there is a new video!
simon62821: Private server history is a fascinating yet underrepresented topic, sick vid mr. show!
ktas7408: Mmm, another hit of that Mad Season Sauce
IPZEEN: Thank you for keeping me sane. With my fathers passing and work, you really make my days better. <3
KonaFocus: Well, it turns out we DO want to spam LFG.
Parzival.007: What Blizzard doesn't realize.. is they are making history. Every move they make can either make Blizzard great again or push them further over the cliff. Vanilla WoW has so much potential; and can easily reignite the passion that lived and breathed throughout Classic WoW. There is no other game like Vanilla WoW and it will go down in history as the best MMORPG ever created. I hope to see my grand children playing World of Warcraft one day.
brandonfields613: Me and my homies are riding the turtle, have been for a couple years now. Great server
Melsharpe95: Blizzard didn't give a SHIT about vanilla until they found a way to monetise it beyond what a regular sub brings in.
"Told you so, by the way." - Prophet MadSeason.
Zaurthur: Fun behind the scenes at MadSeasonShow: before even beginning to write the script for new episodes, Madseason figures out how he's going to slip in the "I told you so".
Holdtheline07: These videos are such a trip down memory lane, thank for making them.
I played from Vanilla to WoTLK. With a brief return later.
Honestly, I didn't like the Burning Crusade that much, the new gear with the new damage, made those vanilla players lose their lore somehow, it was so cool seeing someone walking around in full epics or even a full tier set. An inspiration to all the things you could do, even when reaching 60. Then the outland came and all of it was worthless pretty much.
I do specifically remember being hyped about flying mounts in the Burning Crusade "WOW, I can fly ANYWHERE?" That was mind-breaking. But, after getting it and seeing how it influenced the world, did I realize that it was indeed one of those things I thought I wanted, but I didn't.
It just killed the world. It felt empty. It was like a huge social aspect was removed when you didn't encounter other players walking around. Sure, no more ganking from hordes, but it started the arc of isolation in the game.
I enjoyed some aspects of WoTLK, but the game wasn't the same. cross-realm Dungeon Grouping and PvP had just removed so much of the social aspect, and all these things stacked up. I quit. The community wasn't there, and only the most hardcore nerds were still playing.

Still miss those days. Returning to vanilla much later just wasn't the same, the min-maxxing really sucked the joy out of the game for me, it just wasn't as magical when you knew what the best talents, races and builds were, where all the quests and secrets were located. Had some fun playing with old-schoolers but you could not mistake that every single aspect of the game had been organised and calculated, you didn't need to rely on others and if you were curious about someones playstyle or items, you'd just look it up. No point in trying out different builds as it all had been datamined and perfected through the years.
Fucking nerds.

Jun 21 2024

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