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The Entire History of the Plaguelands World of Warcraft Lore

Zoocsgo: My favourite place in Azeroth ever since day 1 of playing an Undead and running through the Bulwark at level 8 then getting wreckt by a diseased bear with a skull for a level.

drobobrandegee7731: My favorite tragic place in game, thanks for bringing back all the memories. Indeed the best lore in the game

MSinistrari: I remember my first time going into the healing Eastern Plaguelands and I got a little emotional. It was nice seeing some sort of recovery.

vjcn9378: Well what convenient timing for me to randomly decide to look up plaguelands lore

ryananderson1887: I've been waiting so excitedly for this one! Thank you again

Paranitis: While I have been playing WoW since launch, it always bugged me that after clearing quest zones, the problems are still there. Nothing ever gets changed really. I really liked when they introduced phasing, but wish it would've worked toward actually improving these places.

hospitalcakewalk: This was the very first zone I remember seeing my ex play that made me want to make a character. Prior my little sister had me play but I kept dying in the Undercity elevators so :/ But this.... I was so ready to dive into this part of the game... I made a human rogue and my life changed forever.

HawkknightXC88: I'm hoping that in Midnight we finally see the surviving Lordaeron Humans retake Tyr's Hand as a City and Stratholme City at last for the Remains of Lordaeron Kingdom.

27BleachFan: Cant wait to put my daughter to sleep whole listening to this

ehntru1581: The plaguelands was always one of my favorite zones to explore. So much lore there. Great video as always! I can't wait for the next one.

Jul 27 2024

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