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The EASIEST FASTEST Way To SOLO Level! Massive Progression WoW Remix

Airplug: Yep. Thanks for getting one of my favourite spots nerfed…
ricardobarreras6280: Say it with me: ESPECIALLY. ESPECIALLY.

Not " Exspecially".
sardonicspartan9343: There is no real point in leveling up. Lower levels are more powerful = useful
Jimmykings25: Never thought about leveling an alt here, but ive been farming threads at this spot before they buffed the dailies
weirdodude1173: More respectable than the hyperspawn farms with 2x4 groups. Thumbs up.
GURKS35: Nerfed yet?
robertlane367: Can u explain the difference of this and frog farming?
angelcruz1149: Tried on a new character and boy it does not work anymore lol can’t even kill 1
sythex92: Time to change your name, Osterberg501 aint it.

Jun 01 2024

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