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The EASIEST DPS Specs That Are DOMINATING In WoW The War Within!

chancedial5608: Is there any way you could do a list for solo delves? As a casual player interested in doing solo delves, I’d like to see what my best options are. No one is really talking about delves.

BoblieDub: DPS per second is my new favorite phrase xD

SolheimGaming: The Comeback Kids pumping out Quality TWW Content! :D

chevmaro5278: I think what makes a class difficult might be different from person to person. Warlock and Evoker have low APM which may feel easy to some. Other classes have fewer hot keys, button bloat may be difficult for others. Best to try them all.

Tyelkormoko: I loved the video (although that jittery camera makes me go insane), the information, the presentation, the tone, everything is high quality on this channel. I hope you guys grow a lot more, cuz you deserve it

corvscorner6208: Why do you say “woi-er” instead of “warrior”

myv112: As I will turn 30 next year, my old brain will be playing BM all day every day

Davve559: Im so glad you moved over from sod content to retail ! I really like your videos, very informative and straight to the point. Keep up the good work!

mitchruby4716: Great list. Thought about swapping of my main to try some of these specs. I’d only disagree with arms warrior since you put fury in here - people have stated multiple times that fury is easier to learn than arms, even some of the better warrior players.

Putting both dps specs on the list when the class only has 2 dps specs is like making a healing list and saying both priest specs are easy - 1 is significantly easier than the other and should be placed on the list.

Overall though informative video.

mass-cp6jf: telling new players to roll hunters is a worse thing these trash content creators can do...

guilhermefreitas5321: I love the way you say"Warrior"

Aug 13 2024

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