fankrys: Classic wow is just a 1 year long TBC waiting room.
feirisnyannyan: i wonder if hunters called "asfdki" and "gfdgnh" are bots...
keldor8302: If you want to play Classic Fresh with minimal botting. Then play on the PvP server. There's a LOT less bots. As they get massacred by the playerbase on both factions.
The real issue with content creators in regards to Fresh classic servers. Is that fact the entire mindset of players on these servers is different than any previous classic server. The servers are layered. Meaning there's more players on any given server than you'd normally have. But you don't SEE that many players. It isn't that the servers are dying. It's that you're layered and still not seeing that many people as a result. The fact that individual servers have more players than other classic servers. Means that supply is much higher on goods. However, the demand isn't as high. Because we have less than a year before TBC pre-patch hits. Many players are just coasting through the leveling process in preparation of TBC. Those that rush to 60 are playing alts instead of gold farming and gear grinding. These servers are glorified casual classic player waiting rooms. As many players are really just waiting to play TBC or even Wrath again. Only hoping that the banning of gdkp makes those expansions a better experience than the first time around (especially wrath with it's wow token BS).
Content creators that made their name making videos on gold farming, gear grinds, and min/maxing classes and builds. Aren't getting the views on their videos right now in regards to the Fresh servers. Because there's far less interest in going hard on these servers (at least right now). So, they're making these click-bait and rage-bait videos to try and boost their numbers a bit. Because their normal formula just isn't working. Similar to how Asmongold resorts to "reaction" content when he's playing a game that causes his viewership numbers to drop.
freesurgery3458: the worst part for a lot of competitive players is the extremely abused and weaponized automated reporting system..
angrysutherland: I have 8 days played and not really sure if I spotted a single bot. This current release has so many upsides, like huge playerbase, no issues with grouping, dual spec which completely outweights what videos like this reportedly are about, yet nobody talks about that.
Mein3music: it's so sad that private servers have gms banning bots in 10min of the report and even anti-cheat vs tp/speed-hack but on blizzard servers u get away with it lmao
EZdoesit82992: Classic wow has been huge on twitch since release. The majority of content creators’ content has nothing to do with bots. This just feels like complaining because it affects your content and trying to get other people to think it hurts them more than it actually does. This is just an anniversary server, go make retail content if you want a more closely monitored economy
Dark_SQRL: huge win for turtle wow
tarekk7059: dont buy gold - no bots - simple
endcorewow4267: You don't seem to understand the problem at all. The bots are not the real issue and blizzard cannot ban them all. The real issue are the players who buy gold from them. And let me tell you it's probably 95% of all legit players who buy gold. People want cheap gold and bots give them exactly what they want. You need to stop putting the flashlight on the bots and start calling out your gold buying colleges that you are playing with, if you are actually interested in solving the problem. 95% of all players like bots, otherwise they wouldn't support them by buying gold from them.
riklaunim: Blizzard doesn't care about "integrity" for years past. Growing cash shop on retail to then start selling Classic TBC onward.
EnzoRandomBK: The entire pve meta is fucked. You just buy items from saved IDs, HR whatever you need, then wait for weekly lockouts.
lojzalojzovic9519: would love to play vanilla ... but bots and GDKP spam in chat makes me vomit and i dont blame bots or Blizzard - i blame players who somehow think buying gold and gear with real money is right way how to play game
benjnorris57: Just trying to complete my MC attunement, I found 3 hunter bots farming the water elementals you need for MC in EPL. Crazy that they feel like they can farm quest mobs so brazenly! But nothing is done about them.
jotaaonetwo4178: Its very easy. Bots are a consequence, the cause are the players Who buy gold. Just punish goldbuyers banning their accounts forever. Problem resolved.
mattz0r44: Pvp server and hardcore server are crazy populated and super fun. Maybe its just the pve server?
GilthosDrakoniss: Night slayer is perfect and working perfectly. This is a streamer problem not a player problem. The PVP server is fantastic and packed with people.
userdata5023: It's 100% the way Blizzard handles their game. There is still a very large interest in classic wow, but with integrity. No rmt, no bots etc. Blizzard absolutely chose short term money from.botters over the long term integrity of their IP and it is sinking them. I'm not sad because private servers are on the rise again and the future looks bright there.
Kevin-tq3pr: So getting rid of bots on the HC server just sends them to our server exponentially increasing our botting problem
yousefelfaddali9315: How ironic that bots aren't being banned, meanwhile I got banned for botting a few days ago without ever botting. Makes you lose hope in the game
mweezy20111: I mean most ppl are waiting for TBC and u can only replay classic wow so many times haha I went back to SoD
forsetylord: Problem is not bots, problem is players. If the players woudlnt buy gold there would be no bots. Simple as that.
vitoperagine7033: I may get banned soon. I killed a hunter bot
SaltyGammon567: If you're a player who is helping deal with these bots, then you're paying Blizzard to work for them, lol. You're paying to work for a company that doesn't give a sht about you.
overdose1090: let me gues, another video about botting
hackintosh3899: On Nightslayer it's so brazen with gold selling and bots you have entire guilds of them. Example do a /who Tuzi. All Chinese mage carries and hunter bots with the only exception being one of other classes for buffs and rogues that they now have botting thorium since the price on gems is so high. 24/7 all day everyday. One real GM would see these tags, see the Chinese pet names or non named pets to escape people seeing the Chinese characters and ban them. Blizzard doesn't want real GM's and they are GLAD these people are ruining Classic. By slapping wrists for gold buying and allowing the botters and gold sellers to run rampant they just get people used to retail MT's and the WoW token.The fact that Ion controls all WoW when Classic ran right could make him look bad is a complete joke. These teams should be completely separate, Ion should have zero say in Classic and you should have people that ran things like Nostalrius in charge.
Classic exists to 1) protect copyright so that private servers couldn't offer the same thing for free 2) as a middle finger to people who no longer want or play retail by Ion who hijacked this game.
Jan 10 2025