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The Biggest Event in World of Warcraft Explained!

0mn0mable: Hey Naguura, great vid - more of this series please! If you can find interesting threads/themes to pull on regarding the race to world first in a deep dive video format im here for it.

lollylula6399: The biggest event isn't Brewfest?

piofernandes6498: Playing everytime a day only taking break to food or sleep?

Guess we are all in world first race, guys.

redscouse8568: Race to World First /yawn

QuickSh0t: The biggest event? Odd, most of the community ignores it. Maybe 5% care, probably less.

Pastrahmy: Here I am struggling to poorly gear one character

emarcoscr: Thanks. Interesting video.

chrismccarthy2321: Biggest event? Meh, does anyone really care? Other than the raiders of course.

KrasusDB: Ppl should stop over-inflating the importance of damn race to world first. That's what hurts wow the most. Honestly, they should delete mythic raids from wow completely imo. It's stupid to balance the game around 0,5% top players. Or... on the other hand bottom of the player base. Bring back 1-2 difficulties max.

jblitzen: I appreciate this video, thanks! It helped me make sense of some of the UI stuff I’m seeing as a new/occasional player. I’m still learning what addons and UI elements I can use in lower difficulty content like low mythics and new dungeons and stuff, when I have a hard time navigating or keeping track of fights without experience.

LucasHeim: I tried to check the stream but was really confused not ever having played WoW before. Your video was exactly what I needed, thank you!

If there's a follow-up, there a few terms from the broadcast which would be really interesting to understand, like Pulls and the percentages that show up for each guild on the leaderboard.

Sep 27 2024

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