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The BEST WORST Ranged DPS Specs Ranked In WoW The War Within! Tier List

Yellownealy: Don't matter if it's the worst rn, I'm launching a zoo at my enemies in TWW

galrubin7424: This isn’t very updated. Fire mage living bomb got nerfed hard and frost is now way ahead of it both in aoe and st.

BreackTheHeat: Latest logs show that spellslinger frost mage is the best dps spec for mages at the moment

pKaizen: A lot of people trying to catch you lacking in the comments already... must not have watched the whole video lol (or even just the first 15 seconds dammit)

StriderIK: The best ranged dps to main is the one I find the most fun.

The worst one is the boring one, obviously

Dionesus: I was so mad that they took away primordial surge, but what i realized in the beta is that when you cast frost shock, ur ancestors cast Lava burst. Which is insane for mobile dps.

valiantvincent2621: liked the breakdown, and appreciate that you are considering things like animations, class fantasy, how complex they are to play, and Hero talent design. a lot of videos like this are just "big number go brr so play this"

DangerKnerd1: Idc. I'll main my BM hunter like I always end up doing

datemike1184: Thanks for the video, ignore all the giga chads and no lifers being absolute haters. Its what haters do because they have never made anything of substance in their lives so they hate on anothers. Thanks again!

Sanzen90: If blizzard fix the wither bug from Affliction, then is the specc on C Tier tbh

Meauxfeaux4972: When was the last Ele Sham update? At first I heard it was not so great and this video showed its doing really well. Thanks for the content! Keep it up.

Aug 01 2024

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