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The BEST Event in World of Warcraft

jonathanwoodard4541: So glad I decided to quit SoD forever instead of playing P4 lmao
jorghaider7202: The worm backstabbing killed me xDDDDDD
Nemo-iy6hk: what a great event lol 30 min to make 3 min run
ruskeaperjantai: Wow that looks so fun. Shame i cancelled my sub months ago
thatonedudelive7260: Yet he will walk around stealth and troll people for hours….
TraderMate: authentic experience
chriscross1424: SoD seems like it’s done for. Why would they make the wpvp event at the biggest natural hotspot already?.. make it somewhere random like desolace
Syph1l1S: ppl crying about pvp in a pvp game lmao group up aswell maybe instead of crying??
enigmabis.: So pvp is still dead in SoD and so is raiding? aka raidlogging week 1 of MC release
4x4_Adventures: Lol cry more

Jul 19 2024

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