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The BEST Class Race To Play in WoW Remix Mists of Pandaria Event

Amplifymagic: Taking this opportunity to level a class I don't play as often and combine it with an allied race Heritage Armor set I've been neglecting.

Knudby: Thanks for the great video's Kelani, Kélani, Keláni, Kelaní, Këlanï & Kelãní!!

scuttledspatula8837: As a mage main, I think it’s time to give its darker brother a try - warlock ;)

michaelbowling1362: Probably going to be a Druid - So I can Tank / Heal and DPS... and sneak around. (Already got 4 Paladin / 4 Hunters

Lazarenko93: Gonna give protection warrior a chance... scared to tank but now is the time!

haphazodus: |First day of Remix| Tanks and healers make up 90% of the server and have to wait 30 minute queue times for DPS. /s

mortifinkenbein9559: Hi Canneloni! The "best class" is always the one you like.

r350rt: Will level my 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th shadow priest :D maybe more for every race :)

Istormur: So excited for this after over a decade of wow I’ll finally be making a hunter

Whatsacody: So excited, I took next week off to grind the remix. Then using more vacation for TWW launch!

lordhoratio: Time to get those awesome Tusks of Mannoroth.!

itsChrisUlmer: Troll Shaman,

-Heritage armor

-Great mobility

-2 DPS and healing option for dungeon/raid ques

-Dey be da best race in da game mon!

and later on I will do the shaman class questline because I never got the shaman Class Hall mount.

BillyMadison-gn1zu: Thanks for this I have been very indecisive

dennispettersson4464: As a true monk lover it is prime time to actually try tanking, I've always leaned back and played MW which is the funniest class out there!

Retnuh1974: I think what a lot of people are missing is there can only be one Evoker on a server, so we will see how that plays out for people that already have one and level a new one.

May 18 2024

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