dylanwarner6035: Can’t stand the look of evoker, it’s class fantasy is trash and the no transmog negates a massive portion of the game.
aspine90: I really like that this isn't a tier list. The 90% of players needs suggestions like these, not meta and number-crunching.
k9tirion927: It's a good time to be a mage and warlock multiclasser.
Oh wait, It's always been.
sjgaming172: Play what you enjoy.
rodneyhorsley8601: As an Ele main for 12 years, this is the most I've been excited!
brandonfigueroa1507: im still seeing as a lost that the augmentation evoker wasnt a bard... a bard buffing allies would have been so much better
alexturner6226: I couldn't care less about tier lists or what is mathematically superior. I'll be maining DH, because that's what I like.
themetal6216: Prot warrior for life yo.
Ctr1A1tDe1Eat: Devastation has some of the lowest sustained dps in the current beta build. Without significant buffs, it's dead in the water. It IS "bad by any means" at the moment. Fortunately for Evoker fans, though, the other two specs are not hurting.
gavinsipes1198: Sunfury talent tree is actually the strongest numbers wise. Arcane SF does the most ST damage of any spec in beta atm
Aug 16 2024