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The 10 Biggest Idiots of World of Warcraft 2024 Edition

johernandez266: I am the "My character needs a last name." guy.
G3N0Unknown: I agree with the I hate x part. I just like Warcraft. I want Warcraft to succeed. Through any iteration. More Warcraft. Let it be good no matter which version you prefer.
filthcauldron2441: Been playing since TBC and I still don't know what Parsing means hahaha
kebabloodmoon6848: People who pull bosses without the whole raid being there.... like...damn.
olive3749: As someone who started WoW this year I definitely felt a lot of discouragement from the eceleb streamers saying stuff like “WoW is dead” or “Retail is dead, classic is better”
deathi: surprised im not on the list
sniperprimus1555: Hahahaha, did bro just described every type of Asmon spergs, and Asmon himself xD
ebbemllerfriisberg8808: "...kind of an idiot. on a side note this channel is sponsered by zygor..."
simeontodorov8657: Blizz is indeed garbage company. Nothing wrong with playing on private.
danielphillips1973: You forgot the Boomer Idiot.

The kinda guy who wants to see the old mechanics of Vanilla that were not exactly player friendly, but enriched the world.

Hunters needing ammo / Quivers
Warlocks needing soul shards
Priests each having a racial spell
Forsaken players taking extra damage from weapons that did extra damage to undead.

Do these things make for well balanced game design? No. But they don't care about that. They want a world that makes sense and has a strong sense of verisimilitude.

... basically me. I'm that idiot. And I miss those things.
Mistarpotato: Although I suppose it technically falls under the 'WoW is dying' category the people who never stop talking about how WOTLK was the only good xpac and WoW hasn't been good since, those people are pretty obnoxious.
arigogrr: Asmonbald fits like.. all of these

May 29 2024

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