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SPOILERS The Guardian and the Harbinger Ingame Cinematic The War Within World of Warcraft

michaelwitt4014: No body no death

erenjaeger3537: random player who used his Dalaran hearthstone

ifulea: Khadgar, somewhere inside the Void:

Dimensius, I've come to bargain!!

tobiassvensson3399: The breaking of Atiesh probably alerted Medivh to come to Khadgar's rescue.

im_soapy9428: insert megamind "my death was greatly exaggerated" gif here

thehermit8723: So we traded the most renowned wizard for another edgy Windrunner sister.

Someone call Donald cause that was the worst trade in the history of trades.....xD

Night warrior Tyrande questline in Shadowlands 2.0 confirmed....

MrDarkenson: So. Dalaran wasn't just destroyed. It was obliterated and scattered into thousands of pieces where most of them ended up under water just to make sure that it won't be rebuilt ever again. Speak about thoroughly done work.

Kushydomeshots: There is no way that the actual world of Warcraft YouTube account is posting spoilers when they forced people to pay for early access….. what is wrong with the current gaming industry….

ramistotle: Xal'atath disenchanted Khadgar

BugattianVeyronian: Xal'atath: Goodbye, Guardian.

Illidan: Our war isn't over yet. Not while we hold the key to all worlds.

a.g.styles3500: He was just sent into the void. He's probably fine.

freezerino: Expansion haven't launched yet and you post this?

OMFGWTF01: Inb4 he got teleported somewhere and didn't die... My knifu means well, trust me

briefhornsvault8620: Khadgar is most likely trapped in the dark heart

tyro6992: The feet shots are very important for the lore

AboveAno: Why are you posting spoilers if the game is in "early access"?

SophistictaedDevil: Legion 2:

The Metzening

TheMeGuy1: Khadgar was too likeable and well written for Blizzard to suffer him to live.

numba69bill: Lol spoiler post before the game is even released

arboris: way to erase the best player hub we had in game

chesco9204: "Hey! my apartment is there" Concerned Mage player.

enviousleaf123: R.I.P Dalaran

neverclevernorwitty7821: Jesus why are you posting spoilers before the official launch!?

xXHowsthisXx: Maybe wait until the game's released before posting this?

tolztv2124: Funny that Khadgar was once Harbingers too in an animated shorts.

06burhan: You know the wizard is defeated when his staff is broken...

Shonapakhi-st9tq: This company can't make new stories without disenchanting well-known characters

adamjones1115: Death means nothing these days when multiverses and time travel exist.

L0rks: Why spoiling the story on the official channel?

TheTaoistOnline: You know, it's probably not super cool to post this before the exp is even generally available. It's just early access people who are in it now. So...not cool.

michakiewisz3184: No Chadgar!

honganhnguyen1950: Xal'atath's voice actress did some outstanding work.

narrated6956: you almost done somthing good and then you launch early access you killed the hype of the first day of new expansion gj blizz keep failing

adrianl415: So Khadgar one of the strongest mages to ever live is now some little wimp for the next boss to throw around and humiliate ?

Aug 25 2024

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