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SOLO HERO GEAR? Delves are changing WoW and the way we play it The War Within World of Warcraft

DylanGuitar525: I’m going to use Follower dungeons to start getting in to healing without getting death threats and called names. An I think delves are great for people like me. I don’t have a lot of friends playing wow. I work 3 shifts up to 70 hours a week and it’s hard for me getting in to groups. And again get death threats for making a mistake. I’ll still be doing M but gearing sound nice in TWW.

warrenhenning8064: Delves and follower dungeons are great. WoW has tons of awful, toxic assholes in it and I don't want to interact with them at all much less have them influence my ability to interact with a game system.

proprich5586: Always wondered why they call it the World of Warcraft instead the Raids of Warcraft.

connormcewen3227: As someone who’s work schedule consists of 12 hour days and swapping from days to nights. The solo content that wow has been building up has been a god send to what has kept me playing. Not having the time or ability to high level raid or mythic plus just made gearing up feeling like a build up with no climax. Now with this and follower dungeons I have somewhere to really test my skills. Wow is so back!

MikeTurner-Home-Appraiser: I was a mid-level raider and M enjoyer 2 expansions ago. Got tired of players at both ends of the spectrum, the elitest jerks as well as the newbs looking for a carry. So I ventured off to play SOD and Cata but am now looking forward to Delves. For people like me this is a fantastic alternative.

MrGiovanniwow: I don't have hours of time to spam dungeons or raids , but15 minutes would be doable.

gscgold: Delvs are the main reason I'll be playing tww, I did not enjoy dragonflight as much as I thought I would

emanueledibona5929: It is an astonishing edition. I am so excited about it. :D

jauffretv: I've had a lot of fun with the delves on the beta, I'm hoping it gives me something interesting to do outside M and raids (I do both with my guild but I don't like pugging much).

Hopefully the higher tier delves won't be a pushover, but I suspect that certain specs (i.e. self-sustain tanks) will be able to trivialise it.

TwistedSMF: I have never done Mythic . Why? the environment is just too toxic to get through and learn it. That got started from the timers and stuff. But now, this has been removed, and it does not matter. I did not care about them. That is mostly cause I am an old-school player. The mentality now is, say, like my old guild. We were an AOTC "Heroic Only" guild. BUT - If you did not do Mythic , you were doing it wrong. Thankfully, my DPS holds its own, and I never had to do them. LOL, I've been raiding since LK. WW, I am gonna take the more casual approach. Actually, enjoy the GAME for once. It does not feel like a part-time job all the time. I am really looking forward to the Delve system.

OldManDoom: Eh, this really just has the smell of irrelevant content that will be meaningless after the first month of the expansion.

Blizzard never pushes anything this hard that can sustain player interaction naturally.

You aren’t forced to do it like Islands or Torghast, but I just believe that Delves will end up being in that heap of dead content very soon after launch

Aug 21 2024

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