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So I Tried WoW LATE Access Edition..

killerspartan666: I've never seen an expansion have negative hype before

HierophanticRose: Imagine playing an MMO whose poor tier is someone who buys the expansion pack at full price and pays 15 bucks a month sub.

HanaTheSloth: I have the money, I just didn't think playing three days early was worth it or deserved. EA was a mistake.

CynicalSpheres: I'm convinced wow players don't even enjoy the game anymore, they just refuse to learn something new

uchnsn: imagine playing extra for a game you are already paying monthly for just to be 3 days ahead of players of pay monthly the same as you.

Finicky9: The real bullshit is, that late access is on a monday

Ericnorify: Everyone hyping up and playing together on launch day has been part of the experience. What the actual fuck where they thinking.?

ricky_pigeon: MMOs have died because of greed.

BlackWing117: Someone smarter than you, tricked you into paying double. It's as simple as that.

fpsnoobvids: They killed the hype with this split release

BobbyFlay14: Yeah fuck this game lol

CatDad09: Imagine paying Blizzard extra money to play the game a few days early when there’s no content.

seyr3n: we need a late access version. start 1 week later for half price of the expansion.

delanuma5: Hearing WoW players call other WoW players poor, from a RuneScape players perspective is fuckin hilarious. ONE rare from 23 years ago could get you a new car today.

MAHYBB: They could literally sell donkey shit in the in-game shop, and people would still buy it and find a way to defend it

alamar-kr5wf: Great expansion because of the interior of the houses

AngelinaHickman-p8h: Honestly, I just decided with the focus being on the story, I may as well not get lost in the rat race and enjoy it at my own pace. No reason to get early release.

xxxxRouvenxxxx: Zach could have really made a difference if he and all his WoW friends had boycotted Early Access together. But no, he's (ironically) making fun of the players who didn't get the most expensive version (although many of them probably could have, let's be honest)

UntamediNeon: Creators are the biggest hypocrites on this planet. Every game, tarkov, WoW, COD, literally EVERY GAME, they'll complain and complain about this shit and what do you know? They're one of the first people to buy it themselves

wesguitarguy9536: I'm so poor I didn't even buy the expansion.

Horatio1741: I think they will sell a $10 early access pass for every minor content patch in the future.

BobbyWhitby: "Can we PVP the poor people"

stonejay316: First time in 17 years not buying a wow expansion. And judging by the streams I’ve been watching that was the right decision.

hansdampf3468: Blaming people for using the shop but paying 40 bucks extra to get bored earlier. Seems nothing else to do if he has time to mock people for not spending 40 bucks for nothing.

maze1878: If being poor mean I'm not a complete brain-dead idiot. Then I'm fine with the poor status. No way in hell I'm ever buying an early access even if I become a billionaire

ala797: That was a quick title change. Well, its understandable since it was mocking poor people.

brettbender10: the way asmongold talks to other players like he's some sort of badass if flabberghasting

gbarredac: "Hi, we are blizzard, we belive in EQUITY, that's why we divide access into the haves and have nots"

bluemyst42: It wasnt bad enough I didnt get early access, but then I was forced to stand in the poor person room for easier mocking. This whole delayed access crap was BS. Also, its ENTIRELY to easy to level from 70 to 80, I wish they would slow it down a little.

yama4ever: Asmon's such a hypocrite.. First he hates on blizzard for doing the Early Acces, then he buys the early acces edition and shits on the people that are actually trying to stand up against it.

cooller8888: $40 is not worth 3 days.

Brad-hq2ny: Anyone who bought early access got scammed and they deserve it lol

K.A-87: i will never understand why someone would play this shit

jonathanrothmare3509: I think the xpac as far as an RPG has been good so far. In fact one of the best questing wows done so far. ..

Taking it day by day. I like the xpac so far

Uryendel: For the not increasing the price of the sub, remember the price of the servers has gone down a lot in 20 years

youtubeenjoyer1743: So i Never Tried WoW Again After Playing It back in 2006 And I Never Will.

wight4991: I vividly remember someone in the Forums talking mad shit about how true release drops will let TWW twitch numbers leave dragonfails release numbers of 800k in the dust.

And now here we are barely scratching 1/4th of those Numbers 3 2 days of being released

Ny7emare: I didn't buy it to access TWW early. I bought it to end Dragonflight early.

MaddoggKillum: as someone who started watching asmon at classic launch. all he has done in the past 5 years is talk about how good he is/was but all ive ever seen is him begging for carries and begging/reserving gear while people carry. his ego is utterly hilarious, infact he is so scared of damaging it he wont even do anything slightly competitive. scared of fair pvp. the games a bit different when your not using mommys credit card hey asmon

Maususak: Imagine having to buy additional expansions on top of monthly subscription that comes total to 1000$ for your couple years of gameplay

RangiSawaiki: I have finally broken free. I don't think I will ever return to WoW.

2yt4u.14.: Asmongold is a washed up man. He doesnt even know anything about WoW anymore.

oryxslayer0296: Holy shit I swear Asmons comment sections are always filled with the worst rage baiting imaginable

wrangchops: Hilarious having a multimillionaire calling people poor.

user-bz5sg2lc6k: So Asmon is so bipolar to play early excess WOW rather he blame blizz for that option.

leland5519: The only thing worse than blizzard is Asmon gulping directly into his fucking mic

Sep 04 2024

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