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Should You Play Classic WoW in 2025?

taylorcantly3954: Turtle WoW is the correct choice. Hands down, GMs make a huge difference along with quality of life changes to Vanilla. Join in!

HalfGramBRgames: This is a great time to get into it, I just started the game for the first time ever and it feels like theres people everywhere on the server (nightslayer)

killjoy295: All i'm doing is leveling to 60, farm some gold / materials for future tbc use, and maybe some pvp. No interest in vanilla raiding and buff collecting.

JoeKerr420: Turtle WoW has no bots or gold sellers. It’s amazing

marciedahomie4700: Yes you should. Classic is the best mmo gaming out there rn. Dont listen to people telling you its a whole nother job. Take the game at your pace and enjoy it.

bobabaggins_: I played through out SOD and some anniversary. It quickly became apparent bots where everywhere. I stopped playing due to the massive amount of bots and gold sellers on every layer. Sucks to see a game run through the gutter and blizzard not doing anything about it. Based upon youtube videos this appears to be a problem wow has always had. Everyday I would report bots and never saw a difference. Bot subscriptions = thriving game.

benny4788: Having used both addons save yourself the money and get guidelime tugs rested exp is trash

Gamer-sv2mz: all i want is an UNREAL ENGINE 5 with quixel megascan assets wow classic wow game .

alexrompen805: I personally recommend HardCore.. yes, when you die it sucks but its the closest Ive ever seen to capturing the spirit of the OG community and mostly

SpyZ86: Anniversary servers have been really cool imo. Sure there are always gonna be sweaties but if you check the recruitment channels, there is a common sentinment that this time around people go in really chill, guilds are actively looking for offspecs to try out in their raids and generally the vibe is much more chill than 2019.

Baz-r4e: As someone who played classic wow as their first mmo in 2019 it was quite fun. I liked it in 2020 and 2021 when normal people still played it. I came back in 2022 or 2023 and everything was paid mage boosts and gdkp. The way players get the gold to pay for these services is obviously RMT. If you aren't a mage you aren't really playing the same game in classic wow. It's cool as a little diversion but personally I enjoy FFXIV a lot more. FFXIV is more casualized but through the casualized mechanics they ended up killing a lot of the multi-week long grind cancer than WoW has and disincentivize RMT. You also don't get excluded from raids or dungeons for not having BiS when your gear is obviously good enough like what happened in TBC.

baryony: They should've removed world buffs in raids if they were gonna remove the debuff limit. It'd balance it a bit.

Tim_The_Tank: Awesome vid, I’m loving cataclysm classic! I wish your videos were longer they are very entertaining and fun to watch. Keep them coming man!

ragnarbaron6090: Classic original is the best. Enjoying it again as a warlock currently


MikeyJ28: Season of Discovery is the most enjoyable version of Classic that respects your time. It’s hard to play other versions after SoD.

sickofitall8486: As someone playing the game as I type this comment, no. Anyone reading this, do not be like me. Find something else to do, I implore you.

11Gr8N8: Sorry i like MetaGoblin but you shouldn't support blizzard ever. SoD reahash garbage, OW2 remake pve garbage rug pull, its all a scam

RaiiroGaming: Loving playing 25th on Nightslayer Alliance

springheeledjackofthegurdi2117: are there ever any sales on subscription time bundles?

DaniDaDevil: GDKP's are banned on classic? Nothing is banned on classic =)

VikoReEkore: WoW Classic is awesome but it is time for a new adventure 2025 with Vanilla/Classic LOTRO.. Echoes of Angmar finally going live next week!

karkoza4247: Cataclysm is super fun(raids and arena) and still has social aspects like Wotlk

FF14enjoyer: No.

Next question please

msromike123: Seven versions not five, if you count Hardcore realms. If you add in PvP as a unique type then it goes up to 12 (if I am doing the math right.)

Handledandle: Wow is in such a sorry fragmented state that there are 5 versions to split classic so everyone can live in their own nostalgia bubble.

Want to relive 2005? Anniversary

Want to relive 2010? Cata

Want to relive 2005 forever? Era

Want to try to relive the mystery of 2005 mmo only to find new info min maxed in 2 days (with a sprinkle of watered down class uniqueness for the sake of ‘balance’)? SoD

Want to relive the difficulty of an mmo that was once punishing because it wasn’t solved, but it is so a player invented challenge became a server rule? Hardcore

Want to play a not-mmo? Retail

zylle1993: Dont play cata classic, its absolute horseshit, one of the worst expansions ever next to BFA and SL

Feb 04 2025

Buy WOW Classic Gold (lvl60)

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