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REACTING to Wrath of the Lich King Burning Crusade World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer REACTION

jgg2883: Cinematics release order
World of warcraft cinematic 2004
World of warcraft The burning crusade cinematic
World of warcraft Wrath of the LIch king cinematic
World of warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic
World of warcraft Mist of pandaria cinematic
World of warcraft Warlords of Draenor cinematic
World of Warcraft Legion Cinematic
World of warcraft Battle for Azeroth Cinematic
World of warcraft Shadowlands cinematic
World of warcraft Dragon flight cinematic
and finally World of warcraft The war within cinematic trailer.
mattpkn: Arthas had an entire origin story that takes place in Warcraft 3 (and the expansion: Frozen Throne) telling the events of how he went from the Prince of Lordaeron into the Lich King we see in this World of Warcraft expansion.
id_AZul: Arthas... The Lich King, best character in video games, most iconic sword Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination, you have no idea how epic that cinematic was when it came out for all Warcraft and WoW players, nothing will compare to that moment ever again.
rayzen119: On the Wrath of the Lich King cinematic his father describes his son Arthas, how he was, before his "fall" and becoming the Lich King.
doctorcis3510: Lich King trailer was so good Game of Thrones cribbed it for their season 7 finale
deenman23: ''this guy gives me evil vibes'' LOL about one of the main heroes of the world haha
MagicKira: Burning crusade came out in 2007, and even then, the cinematics team did amazing things!
kemsari9969: Thats what i meant in my comment on the last reaction. You can enjoy the WotLk trailer on its own, but when you know the lore behind it, its a f.... masterpiece. Arthas fell from grace because he got corrupted. The one who speaks in this cinematic is his father, the king of Lordaeron and its sooo sad, that he wanted that bright future for his son and he became something so evil. Arthas kills him in Warcraft 3, when he is already "bad" because of the influence of the Lich King. And then Arthas becomes the Lich King, basicly a King of the Undead, and travels to Northend, where this expansion takes place. The dragon he raises there, we had to fight in the last raid. Arthas was the last main boss.
Fsindu: Brunign Crusage is the second installment from the first expansion. Luke u should sometimes read things. :D

To answer your random question: The vocie belongs to Illidan, he is a former Nightelf (Became a demon by consuming stuff someone shouldnt consume to protect his home and got banished for that from his own brother.) He was indeed imprisoned and got freed in the Warcraft III Nightelf campaign, he did vanish then (returns in the frozen throne expansion to fight Arthas and getting defeated by him) and in WoW he returns behind the portal u saw in another world. That is what he meant with his realm, Draenor the name of that world. U watched the Movie so u know Draenor!

In Wrath of the Lich King, Arthas was a main character in Warcraft III and because of anger and blind revenge he turne to the Sword u see in the cinematic (Frostmourne what is part of the real Lich King) getting corrupted and turns from being a Paladin to being a Deathknight, later after he defeats Illidant he takes the Lich Kings crown (The helmet he is wearing) and fuzes basicly his mind with the mind of the Lich King and then he himself became the Lich King.
illegal_opinion: Luke you should go through the campaign in Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. The story of Arthas is simply legendary. The path from the hero of the savior of his kingdom to the Lich King who destroyed everything. The story of Arthas is very beloved and dear to fans of the World of Warcraft.
Each player went all the way from start to finish with Prince Arthas.
Ankaranir thanador.
Frostomorn thirst for blood.
For glory of the plague.
I received power that my father never dreamed of.

Jun 01 2024

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