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REACTING to Warlords of Draenor Mists of Pandaria World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer REACTION

jonathon9581: Kung Fu Panda was released first, but the Pandaren race was a part of the warcraft universe all the way to the original games in the 90s

Yimo92: For Warlords of Draenor you really need context sadly

"His Bro" was his son who traveled back in time and gave them the technology, like the wheel bomb thing, to defeat the big bad dude. He also changed their minds, not joining the big green dude, like they did in the original timeline.

Oh and the big fire scene was a big moment in Warcraft 3 where that Orc died, this time tho his son saved him

The Orcs here are the bad guys. They build "The Dark Portal", which existed since the game beginning that will lead to Azeroth, this cinamatic plays on another planet and they wanna invade ours. It's supposed to be a "oh fuck" moment xD

Chad_Maximus: Panda units were in Warcraft so concept was around well before Kung Fu Panda. That said the movie came out before that expansion so kind of a back and forth situation.

AecoYT: Pandaren have been around since the Warcraft RTS games, so way before the 1st Kung Fu Panda movie.

BillyGnav: Chen the panda brewer was in W3 (2003?), so it's before KungFu Panda. The inspiration, guess it's a both way street.

ShadeOnTheUtube: Mists od Pandaria was the expansion that saved WoW after Cataclysm destroyed the player base. Everyone loved riffing on it, especially after Kung Foo Panda came out later. But it actually brought Heart, meaningful messages, and affirmations back to the game.


letsplayvoodoo3376: you see the Movie. This is the time when the Orcs Built the "Gate" to go to Humen world and got tricket by Guldan. In the movie they drink and become "green" orcs and go to azeroth. BUT in this one someone go back in time and stop it, way more complicated but there are a lot of insane cutscenes with the Trailer on par. If you want to know the stroy.

wardenm: Again, definitely, DEFINITELY check out the Warcraft trailer called "Warbringers: Jaina" You especially, as a music guy, will LOVE it!!! It's one of the Battle for Azeroth expansion trailers.

meganbell1125: Mists of Pandaria was one of my favourite WoW expansions <3

explorian11: Pls check out the Warcraft 3 game cinematics & maybe some gameplay cutscenes.

Other great cinematics from the same game company Blizzard will be StarCraft game series and Diablo game series.

other cinematic games:

Final Fantasy X, X-2

Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2 and Lightning Returns

Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy VII remake

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