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Queen Ansurek Death Cinematic Nerubar Palace Raid Ending Khadgars Return WoW War Within

onoh791: She should’ve listened to her mum.

user-bd9cl3qu2w: -Mother! Is it...over?

-At long last. No queen rules forever, my daughter.

-I see...only darkness...before me.

TrensGemini: From Word of the Conclave:"...She reached for Xal'atath to defend herself but found the blade inexplicably absent. Khardros struck her down with a single mighty blow from his hammer; as she lay dying, she repeated one phrase over and over: "You promised..."

We can see a pattern here

deliciouscavemoss: When void mommy hits you with the "you are just bad product"

zariygo: We should all apreciate the care of the blizard art team that gave us a clear shot of xal'atath bare feet.

ajelsanchez9151: I guess An'surek is the means to an end just like her mother did. Tragic ending honestly...

DanFree7: The Feet Within

bobbybigplays7111: Nice feet shot blizzard

bandigustin1038: Oh, who would have thought that ancient eldritch Void beings were not to be trusted? Oh right, HER DAMN MOTHER!

Javowired: I love that the writers finally remembered Alleria and Khadgar were good old friends and we get to see this awesome bff dynamic in game!

masterofcolddark6892: how is that she get cutscene but not Fyrakk?

Hell, Fyrakk dont even get death quote

harispiltons: i really like Alleria and i hope they dont pull a sylvanas on her. Blizzard loves repeating storylines

Baner777: warcraft foot festish edition

UnluckiestGrim: Why did Xalatath sound exactly like Sylvanas when she said this changes nothing?

MyraAmherst2018: im sick of people only getting "heh, bare feet" from this cutscene. this is the first time we see her actually STANDING. we've never seen her do that and i think it's important that she's done that

DApoyser564: Someone at Blizz defo has a foot fetish

jedendwa5658: She basically fell down some stairs

loganlaslo2098: "I simply wish you had lasted a little longer"

That's what she said...

Scruffed: That wheelchair will probably be a mount in the WoW store in the not-so-distant future.

danielbruun6917: Shouldn't anduin alleria be in extreme pain when anduin prefomes an act of light while holding her shoulder?

brandonaguirre6384: 3rd time shes shown her feet in a cinematic

atayo1242: i wish anduin returning to the light was done in a cooler fashion, more dramatic like the bfa cinematic

brandonhall7498: "Don't you... pity me..."

"I don't."

Jesus Xal

dtulip1: ALERIA:Stay with me Kadgah, don't let go....as he let's go!

Anduin, finds his Rezz ally button

ryuno2097: Anduin's face looks like a sims character.

user-od8od8jf3e: why alleria shot dark heart similiar with sylvanas shot greymane in Legion, anyone notice this?

koenkeizer2917: that arcane wheelchair is so stupid

typicalozzi4458: The arcane wheelchair has me rolling.

HawkknightXC88: Well with no Nerubians left what can this expansion takes us next in few patches left that Xal'atath can throw at us?

moltrazahn2279: This is a perfect replica of what a 6-year old is telling the spider it just whacked with its Crocs

Sep 16 2024

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