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Prot warrior and Resto shaman ready for instant invites wow worldofwarcraft warcraft

legyver: That’s exactly how I feel when queueing as a tank

theannoyedfiremage8721: R.I.P. you beautiful man. Funny as hell and a kind soul to boot. He really did try to control his weight but in the end, just too many years of indulgence.

VeryJUICED: I’m a prot warrior and my buddy is resto shaman and the longest i have waited for a queue is 3 minutes.

gaiusbaltar6483: Ive been maining resto shamans and prot warrior duo for 18 years, finally we shine!!

jeremywoods770: This is how i imagine kmart version of mario and luigi would look like

shipwreck19: Man it’s great being a resto shammy

MinorSpiffy: 625 prot warrior here. Annoyed of the dps queues in m so I learned tanking and the game is soooo much easier. Instant queues to 10 , spots for raids and world content is brain dead. People want to be in your DMs to tank their keys. Just be a tank, it’s easy.

tekkedfarmy8697: as a PROT warrior i second this notion. insta invites and i laugh at the declines

Punkroxalot: who are these guys, cant stop watching this.

Orthane: I'm a Fury main but the second I queue as tank I can get into any key I want

MaxMax-yh8mw: Prot warrior is wearing some sort of very heavy legendary armor. Troll shaman is looking so close to the character in wow.

Nice work!

Oct 23 2024

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