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Pokimane Returns to World of Warcraft

eatexp742: Played for the 1 hour sponsor and couldn’t wait to close the game. Turned it off the second she met the quota lol

nexttonothing7907: "i feel like i did so many quests speaking to wrynn" this peasant has no knowledge at all....

kevinmiles1731: Hey everyone my birthday is on September 7th

Hoodini2253: Saw the title and was kinda surprised. First 2 seconds in and realized exactly why…

SM-oj3ty: "WOW is easy to pickup". Players not willing to help newbies, toxic in dungeons, PVP consists of boomers who have been playing for 20 years and know the game's source code.

ByJamEmpire: loves the game but wont play it unless sponsored lmao

davemartinez6112: She loves WoW, but only when they pay her to play

amythewolf6314: rip dalaran 2008-2024

AidenRyanedits: Hi

iHazCupcake2: early

Sep 08 2024

Buy WOW Classic Gold (lvl60)

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