lary6420: There's a garbage can that has Legiondaries in it. There's a Bat-Gob on the rooftops. There's enough for at least a part 2
subressor1: the knights of the brown table questline made me smile
lary6420: This patch feels like stress relief for references.
FlexxibleFree: Let no one say that Crendor doesn't like a good written plot, even if it's of a side character. That's how you build a living world
JohnRhinoTheThird: Crendor now works hard on Sundays in defiance of God
Jockberg: There is a gigantic roach chilling out on a bed at the top of Glitz & Grime Hostel, just west of the hotel.
Probably a Kafka refrence.
MrDevilRays: This whole new zone is very Crendor-coded so I figured a Pointless Top 10 was in the works.
marianneootjers4786: Harking back to another Pointless Top 10; I found Tweek in the Undermine! He's pretty well hidden though :3 But he's there, sleeping away with his hookah and take-outs :3
iamlegion3093: Pointless Fun Fact: The Deeprun Tram rat quest at one time could be completed by both Alliance and Horde
--46200: I loved Batgob and those trash cans full of the artifact weapons, this zone is a treat
thecorsairhimself: Gobstagram exists in canon
Leeloo-Foxx: theres so much rats in undermine that theres even an achievement for grabbing specific rats, which is ALSO a reference to the "you're my friend now!" meme
claire6843: I also loved the rat flute when I found it the first time! It is probably a reference to the german folktale about the Pied Piper of Hamelin
veskupa: Another fun thing in Undermine, especially for Gnome players, is that some of the NPC's will stop what they are doing and run up to you and insult right at your face.
Ross_the_Sorcerer: I believe "Alice Grillspark" is a ref to the song "Alice's Restaurant" and a ref to Ratatouille .
mistyElk0: in one of the sewers there is a ton of dead Red Foot Rats an at the end is the 4 dalaran sewer turtles and rat ' TMNT and Splinter' squaring off with The Slasher 'Shredder'.. The Slasher was kinda clipped in to the trash in the corner for me thought. not sure if it is for others.
gunzorzz: The WQ where y fly around taking pictures to fill a bar u will be able to see Batman... i mean Batgob
matthewbreen1951: Oh that's ridiculous, there's no way this rat could be-
Oh hell, that's The Most Gorgeous Rat I've Ever Seen.
wtff: We're gonna need a part 2 of this eventually because there's just too much for one video!
ElbyHere: This patch is definitely the closest I've come to playing the game since... I guess I played a little BFA, is when I stopped. Goblins are just so good.
lab.a.k5114: There is an hydralisk skull in the brown table's cave
jpfischer6003: Hope DETA doesn't find out about those chained up critters.
koothak: Can we get a shout out to Shellraiser Mort? Just a Tortolan motorcycle enthusiast.
unclvinny: I feel like you could do 3 more episodes in undermine, that zone is amazing.
simpleman3898: A goblin child chained up. Seems WOW has it's guts back
Mar 05 2025