chenstormstout9456: Crendor, the ruins are part of the Order of Embers quest line. You have to protect Waycrest from the Revenants.
EfrainMan: ...why was seeing English words in WoW kinda creepy? Not just odd, actually unsettling?
EldritchZoha: I think that number 8 is a reference to the chicken run movie and in it they made pot pies
friskybitzboi: I’m so glad there’s always new Pointless Top 10s exactly when I need them most- drunk and about to lay in bed for a couple hours before actually sleeping
Dalehan: Maybe those rats from #10 are a reference to Kopi Luwak coffee beans, except it's cheaply made with rat poops instead that of an exotic rainforest animal.
tatwo_: Thousand needles being a lake still feels weird.
tomaskalinka5679: "I dont think many people quest in BFA or are in BFA in general" Oh my sweet summer child, are you not aware of new meta achievement for Jani mount they added ? :D BFA lives on :D
malphasblackwing420: My favorite thing that I ever just stumbled across was the caverns of consumption. Totally came across them by accident and had no idea what I had found.. took pictures of my hunter just chilling there trying to figure out wtf was gojng on.
wolfsokaya: Good old Time-Lost Proto-Drake. I was lucky enough to randomly stumble upon it while herbing. Ofc it was with my druid and in WotLK, so it was kinda pointless. Luckily in Cata they made the mounts account wide.
alkaneshade5527: Crendor reacts to Jesse reacts to Crendor reacts to Jesse reacts to Crendor reacts to Jesse reacts to Pointless Top 10: Top 10 Pointless Top 10 Videos when?
soulcleave2386: so the quilboar statue is actually part of an optional escort qeust! i believe added as part of the cata renovation, but i could be wrong about that
CaiRobinson: Doing the Waycrest and just Drustvar leveling is something I highly recommend. Super cool
urustai: "I'm still trying to farm the time lost proto drake mount..." You and me both. Last time I saw it, & Skoll, was during Wrath of the Lich King. That's a long time to not see a rare.
Pallywagz: Rare Scanner will sound off when near that TLPD. I about had a heart attack when it happened to me a few years ago. I parked a character there for a week just in case it decided to respawn LMAOOOOO
FaylunaRaRa: My guess is they'd originally planned to have English words all over the place among the devs, but then someone got back to them from the people who came in later to discuss the localization and they were like "Hold up... If you do this, it's going to be really weird when we translate the rest of the game to other languages if there's a bunch of English words all over the place in the world... So either 1. You stop doing that. 2. You accept that a bunch of foreigners are going to see all these words they don't understand (maybe they don't even have the same alphabet). 3. You make a TON more work for yourselves in the long run needing to go back and translate all these assets to have a German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Greek, etc. version...
And so they probably went with the first idea of just stop (mostly) doing that...
ALSO one eerie kinda thing for me with Darkshire is it makes me think of a certain concentration camp that the Germans had with "Work Will Set You Free" above the gate as you enter (a lie, given no one was set free due to the work they did there, unless I guess you count work being what made them keep you alive until ultimately Allied forces set the prisoners free... But that wasn't really what the intent of that message was...) But yeah, that's kinda what I think of whenever I see text like that in a dark metal above a gate...
LinaGood-v1s: Thank you for your hard work and effort. Your videos are a true work of art.
zaklewis7619: I had no idea about the duck thing, doing that later today! Thanks Crendor!!
Cromulorf: Damn, I almost never see lists like this with things I ACTUALLY haven’t seen! Nice work, Crendor!
mollyh2629: The time lost protodrake was put there because I asked about it to someone who was a gm at the time when i was playing that expansion when it was current. They said it was put there to mess with people who have the rare scanners and give them a little jump and confusion. "Just a bit of trolling" to the people who don't have it. xD
FaylunaRaRa: Maybe the weird machine is just taking a REEEEAAAAALLLLYYYY long time to make a carrot cake...
mattiashellstrom4682: Hey!
Just wanted to say... never say never! I got my TLPD just like the way you said! i went to K3 for some totaly other reason and there he came! killed it and got the munt just like that! so it CAN happend just most likely extremely rare!
Keep up the good work on these lists and ill see you in the next one!
Best wishes from Sweden!
SomethingSimilar442: I noticed the Darkshire one literally yesterday when I was working on my noggit map but I was unsure if thats the gate they actually used ingame. It felt weird
SkagulTV: Could the serpent and the human skeleton in the water be refrencing Jormungandr and Thor? Its a stretch i know.
Feb 03 2025