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Pointless Top 10 Kobolds in World of Warcraft

KingChayle87: Crendor has confirmed in previous WoW playthroughs on Twitch that he did, in fact, take candle :O

invictus7736: Not putting Scrit, the gigachad kobold without a candle on the list is a crime

TheHarvHR: My favourite is the one jacked Kobold by the Stormrooks in Isle of Dorn who was captured and then his captors told him to wait when the Nerubians attacked, so he's just vibing there looking at the view. If you ask him a question he really appreciates someone asking him questions so he leads you to treasure

PharaohofAtlantis: I need some long quest chain involving Kobolds and the Niffin

AemenNae: I need to go give Skitter a hug after not making the list :(

subressor1: It's not junk, it's treasure!

fuzzypockets: I love how you did a Kobold voice for the numbers

wtromp5957: Its funny how "you no take candle" started out as a throw away line and now candles are their entire personality

jvstice56: You no take candle!

My first memories were killing the kobolds in Northshire. After them, and the Defias stealing grapes from Molly, it was off to Greater Elwynn to deal with more aggressive ones. Many an adventurer who didn't pay attention lost their lives to those kobolds. Their original aggro grunt still rings in my ears from time to time.

miskee11: nooo, you didn't list Master Digger. any time I'm in Westfall I'm like "wazzup my digga"

Candlemancer: Honestly the "Axis of Awful" concept would be great for an Eastern Kingdoms levelling revamp. Nothing tied to any big cosmic stuff that major characters should be involved with, just a big conspiracy between all the minor factions trying to rise up against the humans and dwarves. That would also keep it feeling timeless, unlike Cataclysm zones that feel very much stuck in what should have been a very short period of time

Frostgnaw: The kobold village is so cool and I wish you could interact with it more. All the little pathways and ladders winding around the mounds. All the little homes. It's all so great.

Sep 15 2024

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