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Pointless Top 10 Innkeepers in World of Warcraft

inferodios: After the purge of Dalaran, Uda also becomes the innkeeper at the sunreaver onslaught base camp on the isle of thunder. That’s a 2 for 1 entry for number 8!

ofelijawow: my two things are being a wow nerd and a music nerd. I've never listened to the hellfire peninsula theme in detail but I will now be doing that.

KingChayle87: Floyd Pinkus….Pink Floyd……boom there goes my brain

BaronVonHardcharger: As a Crendor fan with NO

Woodstarritt: Keepers is the most adorable innkeeper!

allanpersinger5274: The Sonoran desert toad is quite hallucinogenic and there is even a church who worships it (The Church of the Toad of the Light). Maybe Old L is a reference to that?

karenaitchison6767: I also came across Ferno - and then when you put it together - Inn-Ferno .... "Inferno" .. I loled at that

Bigtoedilemma: If the rat innkeeper isn't in this one as well on account on the fact that he is awesome ill be slightly annoyed

rabblerouserorc8649: I came on this list to ensure Uda the Beast was on here.

I am so proud of you, Crendor for your good taste.

battadenis7632: Next do a "Top 10 pointless NPC's Hats!" inspired by the banana hat from that inkeeper!

Grabehn42: Ran'Ka IS absolutely crazy, why? Because he's a troll yet he stands straight the whole time, if that's not suspicious I dunno what is.

Sep 23 2024

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