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Pointless Top 10 Creepy Things in World of Warcraft

Ivoryforge11207: You know this list is gonna be good when it doesn't have Karazhan Crypts or the gnoll tents

Daktangle: The Path of Victory is ridiculous. There's so many skulls there that they must have killed millions, if not billions of Draenei for there to be enough bones. I don't think that many Draenei fled Argus.

SpookyStu: Uploading this at night adds to the creepy.

Mr.housekeys: “Your subscription ends in 15 minutes.” That shit is terrifying.

catxborsuq1: The dead orc in Apothecarium is probably the orc who was stationed there by Garrosh to keep an eye on the Apothecarians. He was there from Cata to Mists of Pandaria, after which in Warlords of Draenor instead of him this corpse appeared.

MyRadicalGaming: Pointless top 10 mailboxes

MattDamon69: The painting is of the famous TikToker, Daniel Larson. Blizzard is trying to stay “hip” with the younger demographic and the zoomers are very invested in this particular person.

josejuanandrade4439: Orcs: Massacre an entire civilization of peace-loving aliens and use their bones to pave a giant ass road from their fortress to a demonic gate to another world.

Also Orc: Why is always the Alliance the good guys and we are the baddies?!

Chyrnobyl66: i love when Crendor says "archi-texture" lol

Oct 26 2024

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