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Pointless Top 10 Best Jobs in World of Warcraft

iBioticz: top ten: tunnels!
cedricksusername: I'm dropping a super thank to show my appreciation of this video (surely I won't regret this)
talonarayan: I used to buy the shiny rock from boldor every day and mail it to my guild leader. With the quote, "A shiny rock that proves I love you." A cards against humanity reference.

Edit: OMG my suggestion for the nathria guy made it!
Hatsjekideee: Apparently Crendor's idea of a good job is one where you don't do anything all day and look at scenery
TheAnfauglith: It’s always interesting to see things about Shadowlands, as someone who skipped the entire expansion and relies on Crendor to catch glimpses of that crazyness
gabbs4263: Thanks for the video
caleb_dreams: Top Ten: Vending Machines
Dampheria1: i would love to see Pointless top 10 signs
charlesc4511: number 1: GMs

oh right, they don't exist anymore
Vozaty: #9, Those zeppelin towers are in the past version of Tirisfal Glade, they've been demolished in the present version. Those goblins are unemployed now... or dead.

Jul 01 2024

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