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Pointless Top 10 Abominations in World of Warcraft

adko345: Gordo in Tirisfal Glades that gathers weeds for an apothecary is cool too! (he doesn't remember which type of weed to gather so he tasks you the adventurer, it's so funny)

vixiliannebrightsun81: Honorable mention to Luzran and Knucklerot in the Ghostlands?

carolynhotchkiss4760: I remember back in Vanilla I had a friend who was a level 40 paladin who needed something that I could make her as an alchemist but it needed kingsblood. So she stood guard over me while I picked flowers. And then the emote/yell came and she exclaimed "STITCHES!" and ran off. Leaving a very puzzled me to be eaten by wolves and spiders because I was only level 12 lol. She was just thrilled because she was of a level to actually attack Stitches, and also paladin because smite. It wasn't until I quested in Darkshire myself before I was blindsided by him on the road for the first time. Damn Stitches lol.

IBrowneeI: An Abom as small as Bitsy?

I'm sure everyone that suffered having to go through Torghast every week knows one.


Fomiru: I'm glad Stitches is No. 1, I have a plushy of him!

DasGangle: Shout-out to Buttons the tiny abomination you can find in Torghast. Always liked the interaction between him and his creator where they shout each other's names. "Mraaaazz!" Made those tower runs a bit more enjoyable anyway

_xaxxas: Wow, Crendor. You really put the "wow" in "wowcrendor" with such consistent uploads. I mean I literally think "Wow, Crendor!" every time. Thanks for years of entertainment :]

IBrowneeI: Stitches is by far the most well known Abomination, so much so that he's the representative for the... 'class', or more specifically WC3 unit I guess, for Heroes of the Storm. Among the first characters in the game. They add character stand-ins for the older strategy game units of Warcraft and Starcraft, who better than Stitches for Abominations.

punkmoose3962: Remember when the Undercity Guardians used to have a plagued/ghost effect?

Pepperjacky: This really aboms my ination. Thanks, Crendor

Oct 18 2024

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