3Torts: "I don't run until the tank is dead." LOL
launchfiend: Pirate lies more than he breathes.
Notaforumguy007: its funny cause every conversation pirate has had over the situation both had resulted in rage quitting the call not even willing to hear out the other side. So to act like no one came to talk to you about it like dude are you dense? YOU SHOULD be explaining it to them they don't need to grovel before you call you sir can you talk to us (dramatization) and only after was he kicked did he explain it like this when the message HE wrote did not specify the number or names it was a 100% open threat everyone reacting would potentially be on the list its how virtually everyone who read it interpreted it so maybe he need to take some English classes cause his message clearly didn't communicate his intent properly (if you give him benefit of the doubt) so its his responsibility to clarify it to soda/T1 but instead he took 0 accountability (how many are we on?) blaming soda for not reacting out to him over his poorly worded post when his responsibility isn't to pirate but to the 500 or so other streamers in the guild who HAD reached out to him over concern about the post.
Dai1lest: "Have fun with that" this guy smug is showing so hard now it's unbearable i guess the people now who can withstand this are the cult followers that still watch his egocentric lying ass
Blubbii88: There is one proof that loot spawns with the mob. There is a mob in blasted lands that for some reason deplayed the weapons that it would drop. I remember that, because it was possible to see if a mob would drop Krol Blade just from looking at it.
The guy PirateSoftware is refering to is mauii when he talks about "starting a fight for content". He put a roach mark on him and thought it was funny that Pirate didn't know he could remove it himself. After Pirate asked for the removal and someone did it, he put it back on. Someone removed it again for him and he stopped, because he realised he couldn't take the joke.
When talking about "starting a fight for content", the clip on twitch is kinda out of context. Someone in chat asked him if he would "roleplay for content" and he said no, but it would be funny and he should clear it up. Pretty much just meaning that he should just go with the joke and people will forget the drama and just see it as content. It is common in wow hardcore to meme about mistakes to take away the seriousness so people rather laugh than hate. For how I see it, it is more to clear up the air, since piratesoftware clearly doesn't want to apologize. Since he doubled down and didn't want to just go with the meme, he was kicked since many people felt uncomfortable. He said that soda didn't talk about him before kicking him, but it was PirateSoftware that cutted every communication and refused to listen to others. He always held his 20 minute speech and then roached out of the call to deny any existence of the other persons perspecitve. Thats why soda didn't even try to talk to him, Pirate is just not open for it.
itskhro: "He didnt take the time to come and talk to me"
Yea you gave up that privilige when you left the discord call when it was being talked about. This clown.
blacktemplar5970: Don't ever let piRAT live this down, if he apologises then that's different but he doesn't show any sign of doing that
Yor_gamma_ix_bae: He was not doxxed , his furry past in video games was leaked. His fursona was a ferret. Little strange to have a bunch of ferrets and dress up like one. Maldaivius Figtree, LOOK IT UP!
Bobamawesome: I like how he keeps on narrowing down and escalating what these 2 streamers did wrong. Now they were linking to your dox? Whats next? Were they directly responsible for swatting you? Did they steal mail from your mailbox?
GRAYBOOSH-420: I worked for Blizzard for Wrath drop and even us as Customer Service knew that loot was created as soon as the instance was entered, as we always had complaints about "the instance never dorps the gear for my class" complaints so we had to explain that the loot is created as soon as the party enters the instance and has nothing to do with who is in the actual party itself.
xxJing: I remember reading something about Black Temple and farming for the Blades of Azzinoth. I don't remember the details but apparently there is a way to figure out if illidan will drop them as soon as you enter the instance and people would like reset the instance on multiple characters until they found one where he had a blade. So if im remembering this right, then the loot should be generated upon spawn.
rook6591: 30 year olds acting like children
MeadstheAlmighty: The loot seeding we knew about since WotLK. We would always joke and make the "luckiest" player enter first.
AdamMPick: Every old-school player: BLACK TEMPLE ID THING!!! BLACK TEMPLE ID THING!!!
Remembering correctly: they never changed that, just made all ID's return a positive, always.
Ulkroz: Pirate wasn't involved in the development of wow, he was in QA.
ThisisCitrus: 3 clips of Soaphia just because shes attractive, yet they were the most boring clips in the whole video...
andrewrailton7165: This "Pirate" thred is getting really old....
aleksaperetic6696: One of the biggest proofs regarding how loot is created is the controversy where a Rogue back in TBC used atlas loot to check if a glaive spawned inside of Black Temple by checking which items the server had loaded after server reset.
BeckyRoth99: I spilled my tea and ruined my keyboard thanks to that 5 seconds clip at the start.
Netizen_Paradise: The most impressive of all of this: Ziqo can clap with ONE HAND!
Sindragozer: Back in the day in og TBC, you could kinda tell if a Warglaive was going to drop off Illidan. You could like zone into Black Temple and check atlasloot and somehow tell if one would drop. I forget the exact details, but iirc it had to be like right after the weekly reset, before anyone with warglaives logged in or something. Some people would for fish it like that and hold that raid id. So yeah, it was known even before 08 that loot spawned with the boss/mob
bwilson6269: Seems like everyone is forgetting about Smite in Deadmines? Dude literally uses the weapon he is going to drop Everytime, you can see him holding it lol.
karagravis: At this point I think Piratesoftware needs to just stfu and take the L before it mutates into an L ife L ong L oss
jesperdenbraven1995: Loot creation on entering was known about and even manipulated in tbc. The atlasloot addon could not load an item if it hadnt existed on a player or loottable right after reset so rogues woul log in right after server reset and enter BT to check glaives.
If none of the specific glaive haver had logged in yet but you could load that glaive in atlasloot it meant that the glaive was on illidan and the rogue would hold the instance ID until raid and guarantee the drop
ryanhenning3455: I’ve always known loot is determined by dungeon ID which is created as soon as dungeon is loaded. Known this for years
Jan 25 2025