phantafalconpunch: That diving suit is gonna be perfect for my kul'tiran. Bioshock transmog go brrr
Or maybe I should use that anchor staff transmog from BFA and go full League of Legends Nautilus...
catrinastars: Finally, we get the proper alliance, blue cape, and hood set. The really bright blue one doesn’t match with anything..
williamcolgin1987: I want to ride the old god fish while wearing the diving suit but don't think I'll have enough tender for both!
courtjezter4: Another fish mount just makes me want a shark mount even more. Maybe someday.
victuss1413: Am I the o ly person who wishes it had more of the stuff like the cloaks and shoulders? There is not a single purely black robe in the entire game
vsvitrix: Definitely need the diving suit.
jessicahampton4581: Omg I'm a scuba diver irl..but does that set allow you to breathe underwater,??..the original head piece did allow to..
stevenkimble1: Fish mount and done. I will stay over 7k tenders.... lol
donstrawberry18: So upset I don't have enough tender for this month! The old god mount and that back piece are awesome.
Xynithos: 800 for a backpack wtf so i have to choose between a backpack or mount. Bruh at this point the monthly reward should be extra tender.
MSinistrari: It'll be a light spend month for me. I'm only really interested in that anglerfish looking mount. I'd consider the fishtank backpack if it wasn't so pricey.
Jun 29 2024