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NEW Dark Ranger Do LOOK Better... A Visual Look World of Warcraft The War Within

valan2736: This is a step in the right direction but I think they could be going a bit further like having Sentinel change the visual of basic arrows to have a sort of star theme or something. Overall I think these specs should include major visual overhauls of all abilities instead of just their talent visuals.

lukesheridan439: It would be great if disengage made you fade out and back in all shadowly like Sylvanus, rather than the little hop.

Also would just love it if aimed shot had a hint of shadow to it. Seeing your arrow build up shadow as you're casting it would be dope.

jacobhindson2275: might have to go hunter for the first time in my life pretty badass

JohnnyFiction: First off, love that you did this, we need more content creators to show off changes like this.

But how did RAPID FIRE change? I can't really tell a difference

djbedu: Lunar storm looks more fluid and natural than boomkins' very outdated Fury of Elune which has a very harsh starting point in the sky and looks like someone took a marker and drew it downwards. Hopefully they apply this style to an update to our abilities from the sky.

Thonas: my man is still stuck in shadowlands...still living the retcon XD

koujimoreno: Sylvanas looks bad ass with the shadow stuff, then the character gets these 6 little shadow tendrils. Bit sad aint it?

Stelphy876: You will probably also love the Shadow Priest which basically becomes a Void priest. Especially with Voidweaver.

SpencerLionguard: Thanks for showing us these changes, Tis a good step and hopefully feels good to play

Sep 12 2024

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