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NEW CLASS BUFFS! Up To 40 Increases To Class Specs And Talents In War Within! World Of Warcraft

Wes-xk6hl: They keep buffing classes that need nerfs and keep changing numbers instead of fixing bugs

RivalzMtG: They should rebuild marksman to not be half the tree involving a pet cause most mm hunters don’t use pets

roly8002: at this point we will have to reroll mage or dk, they are already dumb as f and still getting more

donbueker: I say remove flamestrike and add a fire orb like frost and arcane. Then just make the flamestrike talents adjust the fire orb.

rommees: mages gets buffs every patch XD

swtorbro5974: Bm hunter needs a full rework give pets just unique abilities and focus main dps spells on those abilities like posion for spiders and scorpion and so on

lexsmith1285: lol there are like 30 bugs going on with dh right now and blizz is too brain dead to fix them

DragonmasterCire: At this point Blizzard's class running has become a joke. They did a massive overhaul on Hunter yet other classes that needed it more "oh here is a minor buff... have fun"

ftu2021: I know fire mages needs help, but why is frost getting a buff? The spec is already busted in PVP and it’s above average in PVE. A 20% buff on GS is insane overturned imo since it’s already hitting 2million damage. how about buffing pyro since it’s hitting less than ice lance but instead blizz has this obsession with living bomb

zometthecomet: BM hunter at 603 ilvl and im already pumping over 1m dps and i seeing buffs coming in is great! I get some people can’t keep beast cleave up though

HeathenTrucker: Blizzard is the worse company when it comes to class balances. They pick 1 class, make it OP and then never make anything close to it. Aka Mage

Sep 25 2024

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