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Nerubians Take Anduin Into AzjKahet Battle for Renilash WoW War Within

Ailrent: We've had Anduin back for approximately three seconds and he's already getting kidnapped again, we need to stage an intervention or something

HarryWuzHere: dude how frequently is anduin going to be kidnapped let the poor guy breathe ffs

Engus_Do_Urden: The most kidnapped character in video games : Peach, Zelda, Anduin.

brav0wing: Meanwhile, Greymaine: Noooooooooooo, noooooot aaaaggaaaaiiin!

CatOperated: I appreciate this channel cause every time I get the itch to go back to WoW I see what’s going on lately and it’s gone

felipevelasquez1807: Flynn! Yes we’re so back!

jeffy1862: So I see Anduin’s new role in the series is to be the handsome angsty vagrant that nations go to war over now eh?

ricardobrands9736: 'No wonder she called him 'little lion'. The forever runaway kid

malanimsgaming: They're giving Anduin more ptsd being taken. Probably the time to call upon the light

KuroShiroVA: Flynn Fairwind! You son of a bitch, I'm in!!

stryker938: Anduin's new nickname is "Peach", with as many times he's been kidnapped.

TheRaylan20: Huh? How they captured Anduin so easily? Wasn't him in Torgast fighting for years in that Hell? He is probably strong as hell now. And before someone says: "He is not with the light anymore." He wasn't in Torgast either.

norsegodofawsomess: Why is there not single good character

boota2798: "I am the King of Stormwind"

Oh no no no, boy. A King cannot just go off own his own journey of self discovery and expect to hold the throne.

ShadowPhoenixMaximus: If this was a Scooby Doo episode then Anduin would be Daphne

Aug 18 2024

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