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Mulgore Remastered World Of Warcraft Classic Cinematic

SuperConeri: when I was a kid, World of warcraft it was like that

TheDexDrive: As a tauren player for nearly two decades now this video give me a cosy feeling.

I recognise every shot thats amazing work.

thitherword: May I ask how these are made? They're leagues beyond other AI videos. Incredible, really.

A1rWaxta: How I remebered Mulgore in my memory:

salvation7362: A Tauren Hunter was my first character in WOW 20 years ago, you captured Mulgore and the Taurens with an eerie level of accuracy.

adgrimes1981: I would level every character I had during vanilla all over again to see WoW remastered with graphics like this

remioLV: This is SOLID GOLD. I red comment about costs. Thank you. Not everything is profitable. You have made our fantasies so real! Ty

pitt109: Beautiful. Thank you for bringing me back

deaconfroost2892: My first steps in World of Warcraft in 2005

healingwithtarot: This totally has the Mulgore vibe

nyariimani7281: GORGEOUS!!! I'd totally come back and play if they released these graphics.

Oct 29 2024

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