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Man Quits World of Warcraft After a 20 Year Addiction.

sagaswp: I quit playing WoW like 10 years ago, after having played it since the beta. My life isn't any better, I'm still a loser, but hey, at least I saved like $2000 over the last ten years not paying subscription fees.

ManomiiFox: i never even started. get on my level.

SplikittyLit: "The problem is the game is designed for the bottom lowest 10% and top end 10% of players. It leaves out the 80% population in the middle ground to be left with a watered down experience that doesn't mean anything." - Asmongold. VERY WELL SAID

stephen0406: We all WANTED to love Wow, but how long are we gonna kid ourselves? It ain't getting better, the talents at Blizz are just not there anymore.

HauntedOath: WoW was too expensive for me as a kid. I remember begging my parents to let me play but instead they bought me Age of Empires 2 which I still play to this day and I have 0 complaints about the game

michaelmccartney157: WOW used to be quite literally life changing. Not in a good way, but it spoke volumes about how good it was. People destroyed their own lives to play it. Ruined relationship, lost jobs, never left the house.

Now it's very easy to quit and stay away from. Nostalgia is the only reason to go back, just to be disappointed

Diskhate: My favorite example of "mistakes in WoW classic making it better" is the presence of areas like Deadwind Pass..

It's a zone that was supposed to contain a raid that didn't make it until years and years later, that serves almost no purpose in Vanilla because most of it's content was cut, and that has almost no functional use..and exactly because of it's emptiness, it's presence alone made it so memorable, due to how odd it's presence was. Made it feel like how in the real world many places do not have a true purpose. They are just leftover bits of previous times, that we have to speculate about.

While this is something that is extremely hard to do on purpose (adding random zones with nothing in it in a game would just be a bad idea) somehow worked perfectly in WoW vanilla, and it worked by pure accident.

Uldum's gate..Grim Batol..Karazhan's tower..they all added so much mystique, they were some of my favorite memories of the entire game.

(no rose tinted goggles btw...didn't play WoW growing up, only started on a private server in 2017-2018)

Zetherior: The barrier to entry problem exists because the steps that players used to climb are gone.. all that's left is a 100ft wall.

WoW content path goes like this.. Braindead -> Braindead -> Braindead -> Braindead -> Braindead -> PHD Required.

prestonexzabe2997: I remember many years ago, during Wrath, I believe, I played on Spinebreaker US, I was being a scumbag Horde ganking lowbies in Duskwood, and met up with two other guys that were doing the same, and we partied together. We were hanging out outside of Darkshire when an alliance ret pally jumped us and killed all three of us 1v3. The other two guys rezzed back up immediately and attacked him again and he promptly demolished the two of them again, and they both ragequit and logged off. Being the stubborn guy I was, I wanted to 1v1 him without him getting the jump on me, so I healed back up to full and fought him. I was a mage, but I was in arcane spec, and it was an extremely even fight between the two of us. He was really geared and knew what he was doing, and knew how to time my cooldowns, etc, so this was no easy fight even for a mage. The two of us battled it out for an entire half hour without either of us dying, and as I tried to kite him, our battle spanned across the outskirts of Darkshire, and eventually led us into Deadwind Pass. We were fighting on the bridge, and that shit was cinematic, it was straight out of like Lord of the Rings or something. He must have bubbled a dozen times, and I must have iceblocked a dozen times also, that's just how long the fight lasted. Eventually one of us won (I honestly don't remember, which is crazy, you'd think I'd remember something like that) and it was one of my favorite gaming moments of my life.

Throughout the years, whenever I'd see him out in the wild, I'd /yell out his name and immediately attack him, this guy was the definition of "on sight" lol. I remember seeing him in multiple expansions, and fighting him while we were both in the middle of leveling to the next level cap, he was literally my Gary Oak (or maybe I was his).

cn9707: The heroes had personality. The villain's had personality. The world had personality. There was danger, challenge, and it was all new. Who remembers finding whatever way we could to kill a hard elite or rare spawn? Now it's just run up kill it instantly and here's your loot. All the talent is gone, we're stuck with the MBA guys making all the decisions. Look how poorly it has gone.

interprosDaz: Streamers and Youtubers: "This is why I quit wow"

2 Years later

Streamers and Youtubers: "This is why I return to wow"

It's literally the same formula every wow expansion.. we get it..

hugedeal8611: It’s never been easier to quit WoW honestly, Warcraft has got the same treatment as StarWars and LotR, it’s just PG Disney girlboss slop now.

moritz272: WoW is less a roleplaying game today, more an arcadey treadmill. Blizzard has no intentions to keep you in the open world. They even advertise WoW's new Delve feature as "the ultimate singleplayer experience". The open world in TWW is just a meaningless shell for WoW's other core features, M /Raids/PvP/Delves. Truth is, everyone knows this since years and everyone knows what they get into. there is so much more potential ..

irodsalt6490: I think the missed reason for games doing 3 day early access is actually because of Fomo. Devs know spoilers will be everywhere for those 3 days and the hype of everyone going in together blind is ruined as there will be 50 videos out trying to spoil you with their thumbnails while you're stuck waiting 3 more days, fearmongering and fomo baiting you into getting the pricier edition or pre-ordering

doomzx8284: Issue with Asmongold reacting this video honestly is he don't even let Quin finish his point or thought....he just pauses 16 times randomly in one sentence...so lame and boring...like let the guy finish his thought and then fking respond and react dude.

CrowsDescend: Agreed with Quin and Asmon here. I started in 2007 and quit half way in SL. I just don't get the same feeling from WoW anymore. It has lost its soul, and yes while I've grown up, I still play a lot of games, just not WoW.

PlayerSalt: Id rather learn a new MMO rather than re learn WOW every expansion. Its way harder for me to un learn classes.

brodrickflowers117: He'll be back, they always come back

TehNoobDruid: wow upside down is mom, and poop upside down is boob

niveKOnBass: I played this game since I was a kid. I sold my first account once I reached gladiator in season 3 or 4 i forget which season it was, as a resto druid, and actually bought my first car with that money lol.

The thing that got me to quit playing WoW, was starting my own guild. We progressed really far, and had a great culture of people who weren't loot whores who would fight about what class deserves an item more than another. We left it to rolls, and no stupid bullshit like DKP. Main tanks were the ONLY exception. We definitely had some bumps in the road dealing with that, it was a REALLY difficult thing to pursue, but we were able to do it. It's because all of the leadership in that guild cared about the members and we had good times by trolling each other, while still remaining decent humans. I cared about having selfless leaders, and I worked extremely hard for those leaders, personally. The people in leadership roles never needed to farm materials or gold, because I did it for them. On their own terms, they chose to help other members the same way.

The funny thing about loot is that everybody got the loot they wanted in the end, just by having a good time. They WANTED to be in the raids. This thirst for fun times>loot definitely exists for many players. They remember the good times with friends, not so much the loot they had. I literally would pass on everything, as the GM, and eventually got everything I wanted after everyone else, and it came quickly because nobody needed the shit anymore. I had loot for every spec in the end. The only rule we had when it comes to what you say, was no politics at all, including LGBTQ talk, this was strictly forbidden because it divides people.

The problem is, this is very challenging to get to, and eventually you will burn yourself out. That's exactly what happened to me, and a few other people who were in the leadership roles. Many of the members who were not officers were unable to find guilds like that again, and they too quit the game. I don't take full credit for that, but I take some, and it's something I'm proud of. A lot of the players still communicate outside of game and friendships were made. We stopped playing when a new expansion came out, but before that progressed to the end and had it on farm.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

MrMarwan48: Early access was my FIRST reason to convince myself i was going to waste my time by reinstalling.

alkoyork: Two 30-40 years old 24/7 nerds complain about 24/7 gaming is not allow them to dominate normal players anymore. Pathetic

MrDraehl: TLDR: A lot of gamers (WoW and otherwise) are unfortunately playing for "winning" without ANY care for how they do it. The flying mounts content skip and 3v1 war mode are both great examples. Also, not WoW specific but look at how many players change classes/specs because of a small nerf or buff. These people clearly don't enjoy their class or even the game. They're just chasing the dragon of ego/dopamine hits more than having a genuine love of playing.

Nuggets0330: No PvP player ever cried because their gear is useless in raids, because that doesn't concern them. If a PvP player wants to PvE, he just gets the PvE gear. Why is it only PvE players that cry? Because they can't handle a challenge. That's why the play repetitive fights having addons that tell them what to do, when to move etc. It's basically the addon playing the game, using the human as a controller.

tinecchi3648: My god I hate the counter arguments on the internet.

It’s so stupid beyond belief.

Asmon says if anyone gets something by pressing a button or money while the other guy worked weeks for it, it devalues the reward.

How can anyone with a reasonable iq deny that fact.

It’s so disguisting

buckhammer5897: For me the biggest thing that changed... I've played since release. I've played hardcore in 3 expansions plus vanilla. The thing that killed WoW (still playing today) but the game feels emotionless to me. Server mergers or sharding. When a server meant something. It creates a community. Oh so and so got this item I saw him in Ironforge. You saw a guild or player had a reputation. Just like in this video, you fly direct to X. I remember the journey of trying to get to Dire Maul. The Journey doesn't mean any more. The journey to getting max level, man I wanna work towards getting into that guild. I remember the cross realm aspect is needed. But it should merge x servers to 1 server to make it high pop.

Third_eyee: lol they farmed people on release and now they are already quitting exactly as people called

TheNerd: Just quit playing any mmo and you realize there are A LOT of better games out there that don't waste your time on porpuse and are 10x the fun.

Aug 30 2024

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