MrKlotzi123: If the room of drowned, upside down sinners did not make it in there, I will be severely disappointed.
yarkyark4000: Been playing SoD since P1. The best WoW experience I have had since I originally started playing in 2008.
darkstar2205: It sounds like you’re reading an ad and don’t actually even play the game at this point
Judgeharm: I started playing sod just after new years and I am now decked in near bis as a prot pally. It has been an absolute blast, if you have not played since p1/2 I would join. We are really looking @ classic
momhips7131: Unlocking all runes at lvl 1 is the best thing they’ve done. Having an absolute blast with the boys again leveling up.
johandewith4953: The gatekeeping for this dungeon is going to be glorious
sticky-soup: Okay Blizzard, okay, finally I'll go check out this SoD thing because this dungeon sounds actually sick and in spirit of Vanilla!
juni8718: Man I sure do regret not getting into SoD now..
havox112: Inb4 this turns to be a massive flop
CardBoredB0x: Shame it took them 7 phases to add actual new dungeon content to the game, instead of re-hashed old stuff. Too late for me but looks cool for anyone still playing.
KingKardboard: I quit at 50. I would be more than likely to come back if I knew what would happen with my character when it’s all over
fredrick1176: Isn’t too bad. Joined recently and got a level 51. Gold is easy to come by and the runes being available are so much better than just questing for them
cira7937: at this point just go play turtle wow, its free and better and more fun
Naethix: Brother this looks sick!
strezzed4425: Phase 7 Hype
lecrab8090: I’m really glad they added the candle mechanic from that slop TWW dungeon. Everyone loved that and the devs aren’t out of touch at all.
heyasimii9170: too late, everyone quit
Monsaive: So happy you get to do Blizzard sponsored content. The hard work and effort you put into this is getting acknowledged
MrGM: Great video! Thank you for the early preview
Rax1145: wow! so cool! finally some classic plus content that fits the classic experience!
Oh wait, ive already been playing classic plus on alternate reality servers for like 5 years now...
too little too late blizzard..
Hamond1989: Congratz to the sponsor!
LBreaK: After a big stumble in phase 3, it's the best version of the game right now.
ValdoxGaming: It all looks great, this is what we want new experiences. Hope they make a wow 2 soon for brand new experiences
kuldros457: Actually my charcater has darkvision
porcu12345: how long until a mod comes out that ruins the fun of the dungeon by telling you exactly where to go with a big arrow?
williamwilliam5632: Looks like shit
ixplain: Season of Cope. Fresh is where it is at lads.
Jan 29 2025