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Its Official. The War Within JUST Got NUCLEAR Updates. World Of Warcraft

DK-on7vb: You guys are getting way to click baity. Something gets any update and its "changed FOREVER" or "NUCLEAR updates".. doesn't make people stick around

darkgamer7341: Straight, simple and direct ways of telling news. Keep it up

JEROBI37: The delves will get another hot fix, they went to crazy with the scaling while also taking away the rez cheese.

csnoremac1: Getting one shot by trash in a delve is going to make people leave the game i promise. RIP my wife......

jameross7967: problem with delves is now even solo mobs are now hitting for 2mil auto attacks as a tank and they nerfed the hell out of branns damage so them advertising them as solo firendly is a bit of a stretch atm and its not the spells that are killing you now its unavoidable damage

wacktastic1: I can complete T7 delves but when I crank that to T8, it's like blizzards turn the dial and dont want people to complete it. I understand, it's supposed to be soloable but if things are hitting me hard like I'm not a tank, it's discouraging to do it and a waste of time.

For me, the last boss in delves were never the problem. it's the small mobs all hitting me for a quarter of my HP with each hit.

ruairidhkoch7875: Here’s a shot at some Warlock bugs:


-Doom is only applying if you have more than 1 demonic core since the spell is checking for demonic core on hit

-Impending Doom is not giving an imp on doom expiration

-Foul mouth does not work at all/partially works.

-Shadowtouched does not work at all/partially works

-Houndmaster’s gambit does not work.

-Improved demonic tactics do not work at all.

-Demonic Brutality does not work at all.

Class tree:

Several bugs with healthstones. Demonic healthstones will dissapear once you hit a loading screen. I’m not too sure about the regular Healthstone bug, but it puts your Healthstone on cool down until you talent switch.


-Cull the weak doesn’t work at all

-Malefic touch is doing pre-rework damage (it does not scale with mastery)


-Shadowburn is in an unbuffed state compared to beta which makes the entire shadowburn line of talents a dps loss to use.

-Decimation is supposedly proccing less than it should be

MonkGP: Happy they're making delves harder for groups, kinda defeats the purpose of solo content if the best way is just to cheese it in a group. Love the content you guys put out. High quality and overall very informative.

dirtnap9641: Ret is the lowest fucking damage on single target, how are you gonna reduce anything.. especially from the weaker hero talent... wtf

Dybicus: I'm a solo player by choice. I love to take my time in this game. I don't understand how people just blast through the content and feel the need to hurry to endgame status without stopping to smell the roses. I mean, you're paying a monthly (or annual) subscription. You also paid for the damn game itself. Solo gamers have it hard enough when it's all about getting decent endgame gear, but it also annoys the hell out of me when people are inconsiderate and just rush through a dungeon despite the fact that there are players (like me) who would like to soak in some of the content they haven't seen yet. Or are mocked because their dps isn't high enough (yet). So, yeah, I'm happy groups are getting nerfed, at least in delves. It's bad enough to be forced to play with others in hero and mythic (and raids). I wish a solo player could have followers in those dungeons as well. No more inconsiderate rushers rolling through mobs whilst other players who want to enjoy the game are forced to keep up.

Joe-ti7qd: Delves are basically dungeons.

Sep 15 2024

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